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There are 86 record/s using the keyword/s: climate change.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Adaptive responses to salinity stress across multiple life stages in anuran amphibians2017Albecker, Molly A.StudentECU
Adaptive responses to salinity stress across multiple life stages in anuran amphibians2017McCoy, Michael W.StudentECU
Analysis of urban heat island climates along the I-85/I-40 corridor in central North Carolin...2012Watson, Charles StudentGeography, UNCG
Aspect affects radial growth rates of shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) under 21st Century war...2023Lewis, Hunter ScottStudentGeography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG
Assessing “dangerous climate change”: Required reduction of carbon emissions to protect youn...2013Harty, Paul J.FacultyEnvironmental Studies, UNCW
Asymmetric responses of primary productivity to climate extremes: A synthesis of grassland p...2017Koerner, Sally E. FacultyBiology, UNCG
Belowground traits lack response to chronic nitrogen additions in the tallgrass prairie2022Gora, Sarah L.StudentBiology, UNCG
Bioarchaeology And Climate Change In The Public Realm2017Parnell, Emily KatherineStudentAnthropology - Student, ASU
A bioarchaeology of climate and environmental change2020Robbins Schug, Gwen FacultyAnthropology, UNCG
Biodiversity Areas under Threat: Overlap of Climate Change and Population Pressures on the W...2017Pricope, Narcisa FacultyEarth and Ocean Sciences, UNCW
CAN-DOO: Climate Action Network Through Direct Observations And Outreach2011Neufeld , Howard S. Faculty Biology, ASU
CAN-DOO: Climate Action Network Through Direct Observations And Outreach2011Sherman, James P.FacultyPhysics and Astronomy, ASU
Carbon Accounting: Issues Of Scale2015Kowalczyk, Tammy FacultyAccounting, ASU
Carbon Accounting: Issues Of Scale2015Marland, Eric FacultyMathematical Sciences , ASU
Changing the climate: Bioarchaeology responds to deterministic thinking about human–environm...2018Robbins Schug, Gwen FacultyAnthropology, UNCG
Climate Art As Disruption: Making Space For Transformation2019Fishman, Chloe StudentSustainable Development - Student, ASU
Climate change effects on precipitation organization : a summertime case study in the southe...2016Nissenbaum, Mark StudentECU
Climate Change, Ecology, and Justice2020Schmitz, Cathryne L.FacultySocial Work, UNCG
Climate Change, Ecology, and Justice2020Powers, Meredith C.F.FacultySocial Work, UNCG
Climate Justice and Social Work2019Powers, Meredith C.F.FacultySocial Work, UNCG
Climate, Environment, And Public Health In Western North Carolina2021Sugg, Maggie FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Climate, Environment, And Public Health In Western North Carolina2021Andersen, Lauren FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Climate, Environment, And Public Health In Western North Carolina2021Shay, Elizabeth FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Climate-Change Studies in the Maya Area: A diachronic analysis2002Gunn, Joel D.FacultyAnthropology, UNCG
Climatic change, culture, and civilization in North America1981Gunn, Joel D.FacultyAnthropology, UNCG