Browse Theses, Dissertations, or other Student Work by Title - V

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Vada Volaterrana: A Comparison of Roman Harbors and their Place Within Mediterranean Connect...2017Spatafore, Sara StudentECU
Vagal regulation and children's social competence 2005Graziano, Paulo A.StudentPsychology, UNCG
The vale of new beginnings2018Newgard, Benjamin L.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Valerius Maximus As A Historian And Moralist1984Howell, Michael GlennStudentHistory - Student, ASU
A validated protocol to quantify severity of male urogenital feminization using the MOUSE (M...2016Amato, Ciro StudentECU
Validating The Safety Measurement Culture Survey: Assessing Employee Safety Reporting2021Young, Ava M.StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Schmidt, Peter StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Antonini, Angelo StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Odin, Per StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Cubillos, Fernando StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Standaert, David G.StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Henriksen, Tove StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Jimenez-Shahed, Joohi StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Alobaidi, Ali StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Jalundhwala, Yash J.StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Bao, Yanjun StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Zamudio, Jorge StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Parra, Juan CarlosStudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Kukreja, Pavnit StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Onuk, Koray StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Skalicky, Anne M.StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Kleinman, Leah StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Jones, Eddie StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Metz, Sharon StudentECU