Browse Theses, Dissertations, or other Student Work by Title - T

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
(T)here2022Blasko, Eli TaylorStudentArt and Design, WCU
T. S. Eliot’s debt to J. M. Robertson: a consideration of their critical theories as represe...2009Brammer, Jacky L. StudentEnglish, UNCG
Table manners of leadership1988Holderness, Catherine DarrahStudentEducation, UNCG
A tachistoscopic recognition task with deaf and hearing adults1985Clark, Mary DianeStudentPsychology, UNCG
Tackling drug resistant pathogenic fungi through antimicrobial nanostructured surfaces2020Kollu, Naga VenkateshStudentNanoscience, UNCG
Tackling Student Debt2023Atkinson, Bradley MStudentECU
A tactical reactionary : Andrew Furuseth and the 1915 La Follette Seamen's Act2023Betz, Jacob M.StudentECU
Tactile Demographics: Predicting Demographic Information Using Touch Data from Mobile Device...2023Williams, Baylea StudentECU
Tactile self monitoring of attention to decrease off-task behavior of adolescents with intel...2012Root, Jenny StudentSpecial Education, ECU
Tactile sense discrimination of six nursery school children1968Anderson, Marjorie GoffStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Tadpole Begging Behavior And Parent-Offspring Interactions In The Mimic Poison Frog2023Yoshioka, Miho StudentECU
A tailored nutrition intervention to reduce cardiovascular disease risk in low-income Africa...2011Ingram, Kandis P.StudentNutrition, UNCG
Tainted Through Transfer: Dis/connective Residues in Mohsin Hamid's Contaminated Fiction2017Ocheltree, Diana ElisseStudentECU
Taizé: A Parable Of Community2015Forsyth, Ingrid StudentPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Take A Breath2019Applicable, Not StudentECU
Take it with you : poems1971Young, James R.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Take Off 4-Health Healthy Lifestyle Camp Nutrition Education Curriculum2011Sutton, Virginia StudentECU
Take Off 4-Health Healthy Lifestyle Camp Nutrition Education Curriculum2011Collier, d StudentECU
Take Off 4-Health Healthy Lifestyle Camp Nutrition Education Curriculum2011Collier, David StudentECU
Take Off 4-Health Healthy Lifestyle Camp Nutrition Education Curriculum2011Crawford, Yan StudentECU
Take Off 4-Health Healthy Lifestyle Camp Nutrition Education Curriculum2011Dunn, Carolyn StudentECU
Take Off 4-Health Healthy Lifestyle Camp Nutrition Education Curriculum2011Harr, Nancy StudentECU
Take Off 4-Health Healthy Lifestyle Camp Nutrition Education Curriculum2011Henes, Sarah StudentECU
Take Off 4-Health Healthy Lifestyle Camp Nutrition Education Curriculum2011Kinner, Stephanie StudentECU
Take Off 4-Health Healthy Lifestyle Camp Nutrition Education Curriculum2011Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU