Browse Theses, Dissertations, or other Student Work by Title - D

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There are 1863 record/s.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
D-amphetamine sulfate :an investigation of possible teratogenicity in the albino rat2023Buck, John RichardStudentECU
D. H. Lawrence's neglected art :  his theory and practice of drama1976Bardon, Sally SullivanStudentEnglish, UNCG
Dada was there before Derrida was there : the sound poetry of Hugo Ball2009Foster, Jonathan W.StudentEnglish, UNCW
Daily and season-long fantasy sports participation and gambling-related problems among a sam...2023Martin, Ryan J.StudentECU
Daily and season-long fantasy sports participation and gambling-related problems among a sam...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
The daily lives of principals: twenty-one principals in the 21st century2010West, Deborah LynnStudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Daily precipitation distributions over the intra-Americas sea and their interannual variabil...2012Curtis, S StudentECU
Dairy Products Consumption in African American Women at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes Participati...2008Scripa, Ioana StudentNutrition, UNCG
Damage control surgery: It's evolution over the last 20 years2012Waibel, Brett H,Rotondo,Michael MFStudentECU
Damage detection in direct metal laser sintered parts using vibration mode shapes2019Walker, James PhilipStudentEngineering and Technology, WCU
Damage-Associated Molecular Pattern (DAMP) Activation in Melanoma: Investigation of the Immu...2023Elhassanny, Ahmed StudentECU
Damage-Associated Molecular Pattern (DAMP) Activation in Melanoma: Investigation of the Immu...2023Escobedo, Rene StudentECU
Damage-Associated Molecular Pattern (DAMP) Activation in Melanoma: Investigation of the Immu...2023Van Dross, Rukiyah StudentECU
Damage-Associated Molecular Pattern (DAMP) Activation in Melanoma: Investigation of the Immu...2023Ladin, Daniel StudentECU
Damage-Associated Molecular Pattern (DAMP) Activation in Melanoma: Investigation of the Immu...2023Burns, Colin SandersonStudentECU
The Dance2009Still, Kara B.StudentEnglish, UNCW
Dance piece1975Doyle, Laura WatkinsStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Dancing with the dead generations after the Holocaust: a fictional blogged phenomenology and...2009Dresser, Karen ElizabethStudentTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Dangers of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Use: Healthcare Provider Screening in College...2024Barney, Julie StudentNursing, UNCG
The Dangers of Online Shopping2023Meadows, Sydney StudentECU
Danish Borders of Identity:Dankshed, Social Capital, And Immigration2016Lawson, Elyse StudentCultural, Gender, and Global Studies - Student, ASU
Dare County Quality Improvement Project for the Overweight and Obese Adult Patient2019Applicable, Not StudentECU
Dare to struggle: The socio-environmental and psychological roots of the Illinois chapter of...2022McCulloch, Tyler OliverStudentHistory, WCU
Darius Milhaud's Sacred service: a historical, textual, and theoretical analysis2011Matthews, Robert HaroldStudentMusic, UNCG
Dark cozy place2009Mayo, Scott StudentStudio Art, UNCG