Browse Theses, Dissertations, or other Student Work By Discipline - ART

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There are 331 record/s.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
An Art Museum's Role in Professional Art Teacher Staff Development2002Horn, Michele R. StudentArt, UNCP
Symbolic Imagery of African American Women2003Fullwood, Fayetha Lee StudentArts, UNCP
Community Monumental Sculpture in North Carolina2011Mitchell, Wendy StudentMasters, UNCP
Perceptions of Art: Man and Nature - A Study Through Collaboration2008Perrin, Amanda StudentArt, UNCP
Art During WWII: Persecution And Patronage2020Knight, Gabrielle StudentArt - Student, ASU
Six Degrees of Separation2012Graham, Cortney StudentArt Education, UNCP
An Assessment Model for the Visual Arts2002Viles, Amy Pow StudentArt, UNCP
The History of Art Education: 1980 to 20062008Stewart, Cheryl StudentArt Education, UNCP
These Things I Hold2020Williams, Elizabeth McBrayerStudentArt - Student, ASU
Seurat and Matisse: Influence, Tradition, and the Legacy of Divisionism2020Earp, Justin StudentArt and Design, WCU
Creating Culturally Inclusive Visual Arts Pedagogy2020Koch, Hunter LynneStudentArt - Student, ASU
Art of the New Deal: Influence of New Deal Art Programs on Art in North Carolina2002Tinsley, Lora Sue StudentArt Education, UNCP
The Correlation of Artistic Levels of Development and Reading Comprehension in Elementary St...2011Willis, Jamie B. StudentArt Education, UNCP
The Story Behind the News Story1980Denham, Bob StudentDirected Studies, UNCP
Killing Success With Kindness: The Professional Woman’s Struggle With Gendered Language In A...2020Jareo, Luna GreyStudentArt - Student, ASU
Bronze Casting with the Lost Wax Method1999Williams, Kris StudentChancellor's Scholars, UNCP
Art Therapy And Autism: Listening To Voices And Critiquing Art Therapy Through Materials And...2020Kirk, Samantha StudentArt - Student, ASU
Neodalisque: An Experimental Study in High Relief Sculpture1997Jackson, Christopher F. StudentChancellor's Scholars Program, UNCP
Traces of memory: an exploration of print, fiber, and narrative2020Method, Sara StudentArt and Design, WCU
Subject to change2020Price, Kylie B.StudentArt and Design, WCU
Baby of mine2020Furr, Emily StudentArt, UNCG
Environmental production2020Alexander, Christopher StudentArt, UNCG
Remain tender, you are here2020Cloninger, Toni CaitlinStudentArt, UNCG
In the act of playing you forget where you are2020Healy, Patrick StudentArt, UNCG
Material – Sound – Form2020Baccari, Raymond JayStudentArt and Design, WCU