Julian A. D. Allagan

Dr. Julian A. D. Allagan is an associate professor of Mathematics in the Math and Computer Science department at ECSU. Prior to joining ECSU in August 2017, Dr. Allagan was teaching mathematics at the University of North Georgia for seven years and had also worked for State Farm insurance on some big data modeling projects. He received his Ph.D. in mathematics in 2009 after getting his masters of applied mathematics in 2007 from Auburn University. His research area lies primarily in graph theory with some applications in computer science; these include graph networks, hypergraphs, mixed hypergraph colorings, graph polynomials, and statistical modelings. He is married and he has two young daughters, and enjoy spending time with his family, reading and, occasionally he plays soccer.

There are 19 included publications by Julian A. D. Allagan :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Chromatic Polynomials of Mixed Hypercyles 2013 63 We color the vertices of each of the edges of a C-hypergraph (or cohypergraph) in such a way that at least two vertices receive the same color and in every proper coloring of a B-hypergraph (or bihypergraph), we forbid the cases when the vertices of ...
Chromatic Polynomials of Some Mixed Hypergraphs 2014 82 Motivated by a recent result of M. Walter [Electron. J. Comb. 16, No. 1, Research Paper R94, 16 p. (2009; Zbl 1186.05059)] concerning the chromatic polynomials of some hypergraphs, we present the chromatic polynomials of several (non-uniform) mixed h...
Chromatic polynomials of some sunflower mixed hypergraphs 2010 97 The theory of mixed hypergraphs coloring has been first introduced by Voloshin in 1993 and it has been growing ever since. The proper coloring of a mixed hypergraph H = (X; C;D) is the coloring ofthe vertex set X so that no D??hyperedge is monochroma...
Domination and Dominion of Some Graphs 2020 408 Given a simple undirected graph G = (V;E), a -set also known as dominating setis a subset S V such that for any vertex v 2 V , either v 2 S or a neighbor u of v is in S. Given G, the size of its -set, denoted by , is its domination number and the dom...
Dominion on Ladders 2023 395 A grid graph G(m,n) is often used to model certain computer networking configurations.To investigate the ‘robustness’ of such network against an adversarial attack,we study two related parameters on its subgraph, called Ladder, which we denote byLn: ...
F-WORM colorings of some 2-trees: partition vectors 2018 72 A collection of distinct subgraphs of a graphG = (V;E).An F-WORM coloring of G is the coloring of its vertices such that no copy of each subgraphFi 2 F is monochrome or rainbow. This generalizes the notion of F-WORMcoloring that was introduced recent...
FEATURES EXPLORATIONS OF US ROAD ACCIDENTS FROM 2016 TO 2021 2022 474 This thesis explores factors that influence traffic accidents focusing on location, severity, time, road condition, and weather factors. Using a nationwide traffic accident dataset found in Kaggle which contains Application Programming Interface (API...
Formulas for the computation of the Tutte polynomial of graphs with parallel classes 2018 585 We give some reduction formulas for computing the Tutte polynomial of any graph with parallelclasses. Several examples are given to illustrate our results.
Hall numbers of some complete k-partite graphs 2011 88 The Hall number is a graph parameter closely related to the choice number. Here it is shown that the Hall numbers of the complete multipartite graphs K(m,2,?,2), m=2, are equal to their choice numbers.
Introducing Hypergraphs to Early College Students 2021 941 The growing importance of computational science and informatics has given rise tocomplex systems which are often modeled using hypergraphs; these are generalizationsof graphs that are used in modeling phenomena in cyberspace, relations ininformation ...
Investigating Heart Disease Datasets and Building Predictive Models 2021 10350 We investigate several heart disease datasets commonly found on popular datasites such as Kaggle, Dataport, and the UCI machine learning repository. We discoveredmany issues in our attempts to authenticate these medical datasets as they relateto huma...
MODELING WINNING TEAMS FOR 2019 NCAA DIVISION I FBS FOOTBALL SEASON 2020 359 Given the 2019 NCAA football data, this thesis explores the effect of several variablessuch as opponent 3rd down Conversion, Turnovers, and Point per Play Margin, etc., on the Win percent or Win margin percent for each team. We run both logistic and ...
Monkeypox Analysis in the United States 2022 196 Throughout the course of time, technology has evolved and led to masscommunication throughout the world. One of the biggest types of communicationin today’s society is social media. Furthermore, it can be defined as avirtual community that allows use...
On the Choosability of Some Graphs 2015 147 Suppose ch(G) and X(G) denote, respectively, the choice number and the chromatic number of a graph G = (V;E). If ch(G) = (G) then G is said to be chromatic-choosable. Recently, Reed et al. proved a conjecture by Ohba that states that G is chromatic c...
On the Existence of S-graphs 2012 73 We answer in the affirmative a question posed by S. Al-Addasi and H. Al-Ezeh in [Int. J. Math. Math. Sci. 2008, Article ID 468583, 11 p. (2008; Zbl 1161.05316)] on the existence of symmetric diametrical bipartite graphs of diameter 4. Bipartite symme...
Risk Factors Associated with COVID-19 2022 210 COVID-19 is a viral disease that began impacting the world in the latter part of 2019. In early 2020, the world would be in a state of pandemic due to the rapid spread of the disease. Statistical analysis has been an extremely useful tool in determin...
Tutte Polynomial of Multi-Bridge Graphs 2013 158 In this paper, using a well-known recursion for computing the Tutte polynomial of any graph, we found explicit formulae for the Tutte polynomials of any multi-bridge graph and some $2-$tree graphs. Further, several recursive formulae for other graphs...
Tutte Polynomials of Some Graphs 2020 1047 Given any graph G, there is a bivariate polynomial called Tutte polynomial which can be derived from G. We denote such polynomial by T(G; x; y). This thesis introduces the two techniques commonly used to compute T(G; x; y) along with several examples...
Understanding the Demographics and Topics That Impacted the Spread of COVID-19 2023 34 March 2019 changed the way of world and the way that we live, permanently. The world shut down in a way that we never thought it would. Schools shut down, businesses closed, some even permanently and only “essential workers” were working. However, th...