Stevenson, Andre P.


There are 3 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Machine learning evaluations using WEKA : Honors Thesis, Spring 2020 2020 2703 Computer science is a growing field and machine learning is a growing area withincomputer science. The development of various machine learning algorithms that have beencreated has been diverse. Using WEKA, the study used the mammography dataset to ex...
Quantified platinum nanoparticles decorating carbon nanotubes for a hydrogen evolution reaction 2020 246 Scientists are constantly searching for a viable replacement for fossil fuels. A commonlydiscussed option is hydrogen. However, hydrogen availability and production cost continue to bea problem for those promoting it as an alternative. This study pro...
How Else Can We Weather the Storm? An Exploration of Mental Health Effects of Hurricanes in Northeastern North Carolina 2020 303 First and foremost, I would like to thank my research advisors Drs. Kulwinder Kaur-Walkerand André P Stevenson for guiding and encouraging me through this process. I would especiallylike to thank Dr. Kaur-Walker for selecting me for the 2019 DHS Summ...