Paige Hall Smith

Paige Hall Smith is professor of Public Health Education at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She received her doctorate in health behavior and health education from the UNC Chapel Hill in 1993 and her MPH in health policy and administration in 1986, also from UNC-CH. She was the Linda Arnold Carlisle Professor of Women´s and Gender Studies for 2004-2006. This professorship launched her research on the intersections between breastfeeding and feminism, and the Breastfeeding and Feminism International Conference which she directed from 2005-2019. She served as director of UNCG’s Center for Women’s Health and Wellness from 2005-2020. Her research continues to focus on breastfeeding and gender violence prevention and response.

There are 40 included publications by Paige Hall Smith :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Assessment of clinical partner violence screening tools. 2001 6434 Objective: to compare the Women’s Experience with Battering Scale (WEB) with the Index of Spouse Abuse-Physical Scale (ISA-P) as screening tools to identify intimate partner violence (IPV). Methods: We conducted a large cross-sectional survey of wom...
Becoming Who We Are: A Theoretical Explanation of Gendered Social Structures and Social Networks that Shape Adolescent Interpersonal Aggression 2009 2041 A conceptualization of gendered interpersonal aggression that is grounded in the social ecological framework is presented to explicate factors in adolescents' gendered environments that give rise to aggression and victimization. The focus is on gende...
Beyond the measurement trap: a reconstructed conceptualization and measurement of battering. 1999 3515 Many areas of women's health, including battering, suffer from conceptual and methodological deficits. This article uses the "measurement trap" (Graham & Campbell, 1991), a set of conditions defined by lack of information resulting from a narrow conc...
Breastfeeding and Feminism Symposium: A focus on Women’s Reproductive Health, Rights and Justice. 2008 1500 The annual Breastfeeding and Feminism Symposia aim to reposition breastfeeding as a valued part of women's (re)productive lives and rights. The symposia are designed to raise the profile of breastfeeding within the women's advocacy and feminist studi...
Breastfeeding and Gender Inequality 2013 7118 Many feminists have argued breastfeeding is a constraint that may prevent women from realizing nonmaternal opportunities. This article presents an alternative feminist perspective, arguing that the view of breastfeeding as a constraint glosses over t...
Changing the health care response to battered women: a health education approach. 1998 4797 Numerous factors are thought to prevent the successful implementation of domestic intervention protocols and programs that are designed to encourage physicians arid -purses to identify and appropriately treat battered women. Using the PRECEDE-PROCEED...
The Coping Window: A Contextual Understanding of the Methods Women Use to Cope With Battering 2010 3500 This study aimed to develop a conceptual framework for understanding the coping strategies used by women who are battered, drawing from the existing literature and qualitative interviews with 10 women seeking services in shelters for women who have b...
Covariation in the Use of Physical and Sexual Intimate Partner Aggression Among Adolescent and College-Age Men A Longitudinal Analysis 2009 1383 A longitudinal examination of male perpetration of physical aggression toward a romantic partner and its covariation with sexual aggression reveals a decline from adolescence through 4 years of college. Witnessing domestic violence and experiencing p...
Design and Implementation of the Domestic Violence Services in Rural Clinics Intervention. 2006 1174 Since the 1980s, health professionals have increasingly been interested in understanding the health consequences of intimate partner violence (IPV)(1-3). In addition, health care communities are recognizing the need to identify ways to respond m...
Early breastfeeding experiences of adolescent mothers: a qualitative prospective study 2012 5517 Background Teen mothers face many challenges to successful breastfeeding and are less likely to breastfeed than any other population group in the U.S. Few studies have investigated this population; all prior studies are cross-sectional and collect...
Effect of an In-Clinic IPV Advocate Intervention to Increase Help Seeking, Reduce Violence, and Improve Well-Being 2012 2227 This quasi-experimental study investigated the efficacy of clinic-based advocacy for intimate partner violence (IPV) to increase help seeking, reduce violence, and improve women’s well-being. Eligible and consenting women attending one of six selecte...
Envisioning future directions: Conversations with leaders in domestic and sexual assault advocacy, policy, service, and research 2019 1197 This article delves into the views of 72 leaders in domestic violence and sexual assault advocacy, policy, service, and research to determine their vision for the future direction of the field. Through discussions with experts, we identified numerous...
Improving the Health of Working Women: Aligning Workplan Structures to Reflect the Value of Women's Labor 2009 1120 The lack of societal response to the needs of working women, especially mothers, has resulted in systematic gender-based inequities in labor force opportunities, salary, and benefits that negatively impact the physical, psychological, social, and fin...
Intimate partner aggression: what have we learned? Commentary of Archer’s meta-Analysis. 2000 2383 Archer's work (2000) is a meta-analysis of the Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS; Straus, 1979) that provides a summary of what has been learned from applications of this instrument, especially with adolescents and young adults in dating rather than long-t...
Intimate Partner Violence and Disabilities among Women Attending Family Practice Clinics 2005 1848 Purpose: To estimate the frequency and type of disabilities preventing work among those experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV) compared with those never experiencing IPV. Methods: We used a large cross-sectional survey of women, ages 18–65, a...
Intimate partner violence incidence and continuation in a primary care screening program 2007 930 There are few longitudinal estimates of intimate partner violence (IPV) incidence and continuation. This report provides estimates of IPV incidence and continuation in women receiving health care in clinics participating in an IPV assessment and serv...
Isn’t it just so my right?: Women repossessing breastfeeding. 2008 1345 Infant feeding occurs in the context of continued gender inequities and in the context of a feminist movement that left women vulnerable to a system that defined the male body and mind as the norm. This paper draws from a qualitative analysis of inte...
Lactation Newsmakers Column: An interview with Penny Van Esterik, MA, PHD 2018 285 It is my great pleasure to interview Penny Van Esterik, who is truly a “foremother” in our field. Penny is an anthropologist, and it is that background that defines her approach to scholarship and practice. She was educated in both the United States ...
Linking research and practice to address domestic and sexual violence: Lessons learned from a statewide conference with researchers and practitioners 2015 1823 Purpose - There is a growing emphasis on the need to integrate research and practice in the fields of domestic and sexual violence. However, additional research is needed to identify strategies for key stakeholders to use to bridge research and pract...
Measuring campus sexual misconduct and its context: The administrator-researcher campus climate consortium (ARC3) survey 2018 2036 Objective: In response to The White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault’s recommendations, the Administrator-Researcher Campus Climate Collaborative (ARC3) has curated an empirically sound, no-cost campus climate survey for U.S. ...
Missed Opportunities: IPV in Family Practice Settings 2002 2244 Background. For women experiencing partner violence, women health care visits represent opportunities for physicians and patients to address intimate partner violence (IPV), a significant health threat for women. Objectives. The objectives were to e...
No safe haven: male violence against women at home, at work, and in the community [book review] 1996 451 No Safe Haven is the excellent final product of the American Psychological Association's Task Force on Male Violence Against Women. Spearheaded by a renowned group of scientists, the Task Force was charged, in 1991, with reviewing current research on...
Open Access Publishing & the Tenure and Promotion Process 2012 4456 A recording of a Faculty Forum sponsored by the Faculty Senate Scholarly Communications Committee and the University Libraries on October 23, 2012 on the UNCG campus. Issues discussed included the future of open access publishing, article processing ...
Partner homicide in context: a population-based perspective. 1998 2738 Interviews to develop profiles of all partner homicides that occurred in North Carolina in a single year. This methodology allowed us to investigate gender differences that might shape the context for male and female homicide perpetration and victimi...
Perceptions of research and practice among domestic violence researchers 2009 2597 This article presents the results of a study involving 261 domestic violence researchers representing a variety of professional disciplines. The purpose of this study was to identify researchers? perceptions of the connections between research and pr...
Physical and Mental Health Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence in Men and Women. 2002 3508 Background Few population-based studies have assessed the physical and mental health consequences of both psychological and physical intimate partner violence (IPV) among women or men victims. This study estimated IPV prevalence by type (physical, s...
Physical health consequences of physical and psychological intimate partner violence 2000 1041 Background: Past studies that have addressed the health effects of intimate partner violence (IPV) have defined IPV as violence based on physical blows that frequently cause injuries. To our knowledge, no epidemiologic research has assessed the physi...
Physical partner violence and Medicaid utilization and expenditures. 2004 2715 Objectives. Little research has addressed differences in health care expenditures among women who are currently experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV) compared with those who are not. The purpose of this work is to provide estimates of direct m...
Prevalence and distinctiveness of battering, physical assault and sexual assault in a population-based sample. 2002 5062 The types of violence subsumed under the term intimate partner violence include physical assault, sexual assault, psychological abuse, and battering. This study is the first to estimate the prevalence of intimate partner violence by type (battering, ...
Quality of life as a mediator of leisure activity and perceived health among older women 2018 1434 Despite consistent evidence to suggest that participating in leisure is associated with perceived health status among older adults, there have been few attempts to determine the possible underlying mechanisms in this relationship, including the role ...
The role of high school coaches in helping prevent adolescent sexual aggression: Part of the solution or part of the problem? 2011 262 In this qualitative study, we examine whether male high school coaches could effectively serve as advocates or educators for male-focused programs to prevent sexual aggression. We conduct open-ended key informant individual and focus group interviews...
Sexual Assault Perpetration and Re-perpetration: From Adolescence to Young Adulthood. 2004 4105 Three incoming freshmen classes of men provided data in a 5-year longitudinal study of the relationship between childhood victimization experiences and sexually coercive behaviors during adolescence and 4 years of college. A key finding of this study...
Social Experiences of Breastfeeding [book review] 2019 213 The three editors are well-established researchers and policy advocates for breastfeeding in the United Kingdom. The book is based on a two-year, six-session seminar series, convened by these editors, highlighting research, practice, and policy in br...
Social Justice at the Core of Breastfeeding Protection, Promotion and Support: A Conceptualization 2018 1907 Despite widespread awareness of the health benefits for both mothers and babies we are far from achieving universal breastfeeding. Breastfeeding rates globally are lower than recommended levels and there are concerns that some global breastfeeding ef...
Social support moderates negative effects of partner violence on mental health 2002 2871 Objectives: Social support for abused women may reduce the impact of abuse on mental health, yet few studies have addressed this issue. We wish to determine associations between intimate partner violence (IPV) and mental health outcomes and to asse...
Social support reduces the impact of partner violence on health: application of structural equation models. 2003 3708 Background Intimate partner violence (IPV) is associated with poorer health, yet pathways through which IPV affects either mental or physical health are not well characterized. Methods Structural equation modeling was used to test a model in which ph...
Solutions to the Research-Practice Gap in Domestic Violence: A Modified Delphi Study With Domestic Violence Coalition Leaders 2010 3569 The gap between research and practice in domestic violence (DV) has the potential to hinder advancements in both areas. This study used modified Delphi methodology to seek potential solutions for integrating DV research and practice. Expert panel mem...
Through the Eyes of a Survivor: Implementation and pilot evaluation of a photovoice-based support group for female survivors of family-based interpersonal violence. 2012 3247 The article discusses a pilot study which aimed to examine the effectiveness of a photovoice-based methodology to elicit experiences and provide support to women survivors of family-based interpersonal violence. It defines photovoice as a technique o...
Women's experience with battering: a conceptualization from qualitative research. 1995 9275 Battering of women by their male partners affects an estimated 3 -4 million women each year in the United States. Prevalence studies indicate that between one-third and one-fifth of all women will be physically assaulted by a male partner. Battering ...
Women's Leadership Network 2009 1572 The Women’s Leadership Network for Safe and Healthy Relationships (hereafter referred to as the Women’s Leadership Network) is an innovative approach to community-based domestic violence resistance programming that infuses best practices in the area ...