Tatsiana Shymanovich

Ecology, e.g. plant-microbe-insect interactions; Plant physiology, e.g. gravitropism and phototropism; Chemical ecology, e.g. fungal alkaloids, insect attractants; Entomology, e.g. insect herbivores, sand fly ecology, dung beetle ecology, pest flies; Microbiology, e.g, fungal and bacterial endophytes; EDUCATION: Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Health Science (2016), The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG). Dissertation “The effects of endophytic Epichloë species on host plant fitness of two native grasses, Poa alsodes and Achnatherum robustum”. Master of Science in Biology (1994), The Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus. Honors Diploma with Teaching License.