A Bayesian analysis of binary misclassification |
2017 |
1250 |
We consider Bayesian inference about the mean of a binary variable that is subject to misclassification error. If the error probabilities are not known, or cannot be estimated, the parameter is only partially identified. For several reasonable and in... |
A Bayesian approach to account for misclassification in prevalence and trend estimation |
2022 |
537 |
In this paper, we present a Bayesian approach to estimate the mean of a binary variable and changes in the mean over time, when the variable is subject to misclassification error. These parameters are partially identified, and we derive identified se... |
Bayesian Inference in a Sample Selection Model |
2011 |
5857 |
This paper develops methods of Bayesian inference in a sample selection model. The main feature of this model is that the outcome variable is only partially observed. We first present a Gibbs sampling algorithm for a model in which the selection and ... |
Bayesian moment-based inference in a regression model with misclassification error |
2017 |
1072 |
We present a Bayesian analysis of a regression model with a binary covariate that may have classification (measurement) error. Prior research demonstrates that the regression coefficient is only partially identified. We take a Bayesian approach which... |
Binary Misclassification and Identification in Regression Models |
2012 |
2098 |
We study a regression model with a binary explanatory variable that is subject to misclassification errors. The regression coefficient is then only partially identified. We derive several results that relate different assumptions about the misclassif... |
Commentary on Reuter et al. - Data triangulation for substance abuse research |
2021 |
126 |
Reuter et al. [1] highlight the limitations of using a general population survey (GPS) to determine the prevalence of frequent heroin use. Data from such surveys are likely to suffer from item non-response and under-reporting. In addition, frequent h... |
Community Health Center Efficiency: The Role of Grant Revenues in Health Center Efficiency |
2014 |
2037 |
Objective: To test the relationship between external environments, organizational characteristics, and technical efficiency in federally qualified health centers (FQHCs). We tested the relationship between grant revenue and technical efficiency in FQ... |
The Economic Impact of Smoke-Free Laws on Restaurants and Bars in 9 States |
2013 |
1886 |
Introduction: Smoke-free air laws in restaurants and bars protect patrons and workers from involuntary exposure to secondhand smoke, but owners often express concern that such laws will harm their businesses. The primary objective of this study was t... |
Emergency Department and Inpatient Hospital Use by Medicare Beneficiaries in Patient-Centered Medical Homes |
2015 |
241 |
Study objectivePatient-centered medical homes are primary care practices that focus on coordinating acute and preventive care. Such practices can obtain patient-centered medical home recognition from the National Committee for Quality Assurance. We c... |
Estimating the cumulative rate of SARS-CoV-2 infection |
2020 |
695 |
Accurate estimates of the cumulative incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection remain elusive. Among the reasons for this are that tests for the virus are not randomly administered, and that the most commonly used tests can yield a substantial fraction of fa... |
Exploring the Impact of R&D on Patenting Activity in Small Women-Owned and Minority-Owned Entrepreneurial Firms. |
2019 |
1145 |
The relevant economics literature on the impact of R&D on patenting activity falls within two methodological areas of inquiry. The first area might be classified as a test of the Schumpeterian hypothesis. The second and lesser research area might be ... |
Going public with public money |
2021 |
895 |
We analyze what we consider to be an unanticipated consequence of the SBIR program, namely, that firms, publicly funded through the SBIR program, are going public based on their new technology developed with support from the SBIR program. There is a ... |
The impact of public R&D investments on patenting activity: technology transfer at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. |
2018 |
1143 |
This paper presents estimates of the impact of public R&D on patenting activity at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Using a time series of public sector agency data, we estimate the per-capita R&D elasticity of new patent applications ... |
The impact of the third sector of R&D on the innovative performance of entrepreneurial firms |
2021 |
834 |
Entrepreneurial firms that rely on public research institutes, the third sector of R&D, are also firms that are more innovative in terms of introducing new or significantly improved goods or services to the market. This finding is based on an analysi... |
The Impact of the Vermont Support and Services at Home Program on Healthcare Expenditures |
2018 |
250 |
Objective: The Support and Services at Home (SASH) program in Vermont aims to coordinate care and assist participants in accessing the health care and support services they need to maintain their health and age comfortably and safely in their homes. ... |
Knowledge begets knowledge: university knowledge spillovers and the output of scientific papers from U.S. Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) projects |
2019 |
1283 |
Scientific papers submitted for publication from U.S. Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)-funded research projects are an innovative output that has yet to be studied systematically. Using a knowledge production framework, we identify empirical... |
Many-instruments Asymptotic Approximations Under Nonnormal Error Distributions |
2010 |
2250 |
In this paper we derive an alternative asymptotic approximation to the sampling distribution of the limited information maximum likelihood estimator and a bias corrected version of the two-stage least squares estimator. The approximation is obtained ... |
On the Transfer of Technology from Universities: The Impact of the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980 on the Institutionalization of University Research |
2019 |
1539 |
While the academic and policy literature has focused on patent counts and patent quality as possible outcome measures to evaluate the impact of the U.S. Bayh–Dole Act of 1980, we argue that the impact of the Act on university effort to transfer its t... |
Prescription Drug Abuse and Workplace Absenteeism: Evidence from the 2008 2012 National Survey o n Drug Use and Health |
2015 |
471 |
Prescription drug abuse has become increasingly prevalent in recent years, yet little is known about its impact on workplaces. This study investigated the relation between self-reported misuse of prescription pain relievers and other drugs and self-r... |
A public sector knowledge production function |
2019 |
1321 |
There are no studies of the R&D-to-patenting relationship at the federal agency level. We estimate a public sector knowledge production function using federal agency patent application data over the years 2003 through 2014. We find that the patent ap... |
Public support for research in artificial intelligence: a descriptive study of U.S. Department of Defense SBIR Projects |
2022 |
596 |
We describe public support for AI research in small firms using data from U.S. Department of Defense-funded SBIR projects. Ours is the first collection of firm-level project information on publicly funded R&D investments in AI. We find that the likel... |
The relation between tobacco taxes and youth and young adult smoking: What happened following the 2009 U.S. federal tax increase on cigarettes? |
2015 |
1087 |
BackgroundOn April 1, 2009, the federal government raised cigarette taxes from $0.39 to $1.01 per pack. This study examines the impact of this increase on a range of smoking behaviors among youth aged 12 to 17 and young adults aged 18 to 25.MethodsDa... |
The spatial distribution of public support for AI research |
2022 |
123 |
A spatial distributional analysis of the population of Phase II research projects funded by the US SBIR program in FY 2020 shows differences across states in projects focused on artificial intelligence (AI). AI is a relatively new research field, and... |
Time Series Analysis of Sexual Assault Case Characteristics and the 2007-2008 Period of Post-Election Violence in Kenya |
2014 |
205 |
Background: Following the declaration that President Mwai Kibaki was the winner of the Kenyan presidential election held on December 27, 2007, a period of post-election violence (PEV) took place. In this study, we aimed to identify whether the period... |
Total Cost of Care Lower among Medicare Fee-for-Service Beneficiaries Receiving Care from Patient-Centered Medical Homes |
2014 |
975 |
Objective. To compare health care utilization and payments between NCQA-recognized patient-centered medical home (PCMH) practices and practices without such recognition.Data Sources. Medicare Part A and B claims files from July 1, 2007 to June 30, 20... |
The Use of Intellectual Property Protection Mechanisms by Publicly Supported Firms |
2020 |
874 |
Technology-based firms use intellectual property protection mechanisms (IPPMs) to appropriate the returns to their research investments. The empirical literature has generally focused on the use of IPPMs by private sector firms to appropriate the ret... |