Nandana Bose

There are 3 included publications by Nandana Bose :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Between the Godfather and the Mafia: Situating right-wing interventions in the Bombay film industry (1992-2002) 2009 3939 Drawing primarily on trade press discourse, this article interrogates right-wing interventions in the Bombay film industry in the 1990s. It argues that there were unprecedented levels of investment by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Shiv Sena, b...
The Hindu right and the politics of censorship: Three case studies of policing Hindi cinema, 1992-2002 2009 10735 In this article the author examines political censorship of three Hindi films made in the 1990s: "Khalnayak," "Bombay" and "War and Peace." She contends that the films, released in an era of significant political activity by right wing Hindu politica...
Using moving image archives 2010 3344 This publication, which is also a special issue of Scope: An Online Journal of Film and Media, was the outcome of a two-year long series of conferences and events attended by doctoral students, archivists, and scholars from across the United Kingdom ...