Christine Woodworth

Christine Woodworth teaches Theatre History, Feminist Theatre, and Introduction to Graduate Studies. She is a cross-appointed faculty member in the Women’s and Gender Studies Program. Christine holds a Ph.D. in Theatre and a graduate certificate in Women’s Studies from Bowling Green State University. She completed her M.A. in Theatre and Drama at Indiana University-Bloomington. Prior to UNCG, Christine taught at Lock Haven University. Her articles and reviews have appeared in Theatre Annual , Text and Presentation , Theatre Topics, Theatre Journal and TLA’s Broadside. Most recently, her article “Summon up the blood”: The Stylized (or Sticky) Stuff of Violence in Three Plays by Sarah Kane” appeared in Theatre Symposium Volume 18—The Prop’s the Thing: Stage Properties Reconsidered. Her essay “The Abject of My Affection: The Erotics of Stepmotherhood in Sarah Kane’s Phaedra’s Love and the Wooster Group’s To You, The Birdie (Phèdre)” appears in the collection Essays and Scripts on How Mothers Are Portrayed in the Theater: A Neglected Frontier of Feminist Scholarship (Edwin Mellen Press, 2010). Other recent scholarship includes “Suzan-Lori Parks and the Traumas of Childhood” in Suzan-Lori Parks: Essays on the Plays and Other Works (McFarland, 2010). She is currently at work on the intersection of theatre and reproductive politics and has two forthcoming essays on that topic: “Back-Alleys to Basements: Narratives of Class and (Il)legal Abortion on the American Stage” in “To Have or Have Not”: New Essays on Commerce and Capital in Modernist Theatre (forthcoming from McFarland) and “Playing missionary in Harlem?": Race, Public Policy, and Birth Control Crusaders in the Harlem Renaissance” in Public Theatres and Theatre Publics (forthcoming from Cambridge Scholars Press). Christine has presented her research at the American Society for Theatre Research, Association for Theatre in Higher Education, Mid-America Theatre Conference, SETC Theatre Symposium, National Women’s Studies Association, and the Comparative Drama Conference. She currently serves as the Archives Chair for SETC and as the Theatre History Symposium Co-Chair for the Mid-America Theatre Conference. She has worked as a director and dramaturg.