Robert Arndt

  • Reference/Instructional Services Librarian
  • Mary Livermore Library, UNCP
  • 910-521-6529
  • P.O. Box 1510
  • Pembroke NC 28372

There are 16 included publications by Robert Arndt :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Badass Civil War Beards 2015 765 When one thinks of Civil War photography, Matthew Brady and his photographs of battlefields come to mind as do the many portraits of soldiers of the Union and Confederacy. Anna and Julia Hider have collected portraits of Civil War beards from various...
Be Still… 2012 0 “Be still and know that I am God.” I thought of that simple command, be still, recently. I quickly realized that not too many people are still these days. Go, go, go, go seems to be the way people live.By moving with the world, we are neglecting the ...
Behind the White Picket Fence: Power and Privilege in a Multiethnic Neighborhood 2015 2316 Diversity and multiculturalism are the goals of many cities and neighborhoods in both North Carolina and the United States. However, even when a neighborhood is statistically integrated, it maybe still segregated in terms of social and political powe...
Blood Done Sign My Name. 2005 6654 “Stories can have sharp edges,” states Tim Tyson in the Author’s Notes of Blood Done Sign My Name. Thirty years after hearing a 10 year old playmate tell him that his father and brother beat and killed Henry Marrow in public, Tyson examines the racia...
Constructing the Campus Scholarship Bibliography: The Ins, Outs, and Whats? 2017 677 The Campus Scholarship Bibliography is published annually and presents challenges to the editors. The process of the creation (gathering information, verification, input of data, proofing and printing) is covered in this presentation, as well as othe...
Earth Day 2012 547 As part of the church year, we celebrate many holidays and festivals, some religious, some cultural and some national. Recently in April, we passed a date that was only subtly mentioned in the prayers—Earth Day. One of the concepts of the 21st centur...
Friends of the Library to Sponsor Author Appearances 2009 1601 During the fall semester 2010, the Friends of the Library of UNC Pembroke sponsored two programs at the Mary Livermore Library. The programs featured two North Carolina authors: Bruce Roberts and Richard Folsom. There were also two UNCP Faculty Showc...
Getting Ready for Advent 2012 586 I have, mainly because the new church year begins on the first Sunday in December. In certain ways I prefer the Advent celebration to the New Year’s festivities. Advent, to me, is quiet. There are no big parties, no loud celebrations. Advent arrives ...
A Higher Call: A Story of Hope 2013 6480 On December 20, 1943, Charlie Brown’s B-17 Flying Fortress was on a bombing run over Germany when it sustained heavy damage. It was limping its way out of Germany when it encountered a Messerschmitt BF-107. Despite the damage done to German cities by...
Jonathan Williams: The Lord of Orchards 2018 316 The book is a festschrift, honoring the work and spirit of Williams. Divided into four sections, “Remembering,” “Responding,” “Reviewing,” and “Recollecting,” the book remembered and discussed Williams’s contribution to poetry, photography and cultur...
Life Outside the Box 2012 524 We live in a box. We get up in the morning in the box we live in. We walk a few feet to our car which is a box on wheel, to go to the box where we work. In the evening we repeat the process.We hear as Christians about not putting God in a box, but ...
Obedience 2015 587 The Bible is filled with words that we no longer hear in normal conversations. In fact, sometimes the concepts these words represent seem lost in this day and age. One of those words is in Hebrews 5: 8. The word is “obedience.”
Reference Templates for Distance Education Students 2013 1036 Reference Templates for Distance Education Students outlines the use of templates by Alewine and Arndt to provide reference services to distance education students. Distance education students are defined as students who are enrolled at off-campus lo...
Stories Can Have Sharp Corners: A Review of Blood Done Sign My Name 2007 1665 Book review - Blood Done Sign My Name is Dr. Timothy Tyson's examination of the racial conflict and riots in Oxford, North Carolina during 1970. The tensions of racial conflict and desegregation in 1970 Oxford were the same that were being felt throu...
Tripping Over the Technology Divide 2012 522 Science fiction writer Ray Bradbury is famous for shunning technology. He maintains that modern technology has taken the human element out of our society. He doesn’t own a computer or a cell phone, has never driven a car or used an ATM. The central i...
The World through Easter Glasses 2012 423 Christians may need to view the world through Easter Glasses, a time when there is a need to view the world through the eyes of the risen Christ and that is threatening. Life and experiences condition us as to how we view the world. Our religious bel...