Nancy Callanan

Nancy Callanan, Director of the UNCG Genetic Counseling Program received her MS in Human Genetics from Sarah Lawrence College in 1977, and was certified in genetic counseling by the American Board of Medical Genetics in 1982. She has over 20 years of clinical experience, primarily in the areas of prenatal and pediatric/general genetic counseling (University of Connecticut - 1977-1980; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - 1980-1999). In 1998, Ms. Callanan was an invited member of the planning committee for the UNCG MS Genetic Counseling Program, and was appointed Director of the program in 1999. Ms. Callanan has been actively involved in genetics professional organizations throughout her career. She has served three terms on the Board of Directors for the National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC) as Regional Representative (1983-85), Secretary (1992-95), and Presidential Rotation (2005-2008). She was a member of the ad hoc committee that drafted the NSGC Code of Ethics that was completed in 1992, and received the NSGC Regional Leadership Award in 1999. In 2008 she was awarded the NSGC Natalie Weissberger Paul Lifetime Achievement Award. She also served as an elected member of the American Board of Genetic Counseling (ABGC) from 2000-2005 and as ABGC President (2004-2005). She served as the ABGC liaison to the National Coalition for Health Professional Education in Genetics (NCHPEG) from 2002-2005. She is also a member of the Association for Genetic Counseling Program Directors and served as President of this organization from 2007-2009. At UNCG, Ms. Callanan was an appointed member of the Graduate Studies Committee (2001–2003; 2009-2010) and served as GSC Chair for the 2002-2003 academic year. She was also appointed to a three year term on the UNCG Institutional Review Board (2008-2010). Her research interests include the educational and counseling needs of individuals undergoing carrier testing, prenatal screening, and newborn screening and clinical supervision in genetic counseling.

There are 8 included publications by Nancy Callanan :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Attitudes and Practice of Genetic Counselors Regarding Anonymous Testing for BRCA1/2. 2009 1151 Patients and clinicians alike view anonymous testing as a potential way to avoid perceived risks of genetic testing such as insurance and employment discrimination and the potential loss of privacy. To assess their experience with and attitudes towar...
Biotech 101: An Educational Outreach Program in Genetics and Biotechnology. 2012 1520 Recent advances in research and biotechnology are making genetics and genomics increasingly relevant to the lives and health of the general public. For the public to make informed healthcare and public policy decisions relating to genetic information...
Boundary Issues and Multiple Relationships in Genetic Counseling Supervision: Supervisor, Non-supervisor, and Student Perspectives. 2011 2606 Boundary issues and multiple relationships potentially affect all supervision interactions. Boundary crossings are departures from the strictest professional role and may or may not benefit supervisees. Boundary violations are outside common practice...
Code of Ethics of the National Society of Genetic Counselors: Explication of Revisions 2006 3118 The Code of Ethics (COE) of the National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC) was adopted in 1992. In 2004, the NSGC leadership appointed the Code of Ethics Work Group (COEWG) to consider revisions to the NSGC COE based on advice from the NSGC legal ...
Genetic Counseling Supervisor Competencies: Results of a Delphi Study. 2013 4767 Clinical supervision is a critical component of genetic counseling student preparation, yet empirically-determined competencies for genetic counseling supervisors are lacking. In this study a modified, two-round Delphi method was used to gain consens...
Longitudinal Interviews of Couples Diagnosed with Diminished Ovarian Reserve Undergoing Fragile X Premutation Testing 2014 1985 About 10 % of infertile/subfertile women are diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), of which?
Supervision of psychosocial skills in genetic counseling. 2006 4037 Little has been written about how genetic counseling supervisors can help students develop psychosocial skills in their clinical rotations. The authors describe several approaches supervisors can use, ranging from preventive measures (e.g., normalizi...
Telephoned BRCA1/2 Genetic Test Results: Prevalence, Practice, and Patient Satisfaction. 2009 1270 While the traditional model of genetic evaluation for breast cancer risk recommended face-to-face disclosure of genetic testing results, BRCA1/2 testing results are increasingly provided by telephone. The few existing studies on telephone genetic cou...