Dr. Hye-Sung Kim

Dr. Hye-Sung Kim is an Assistant Professor of Political Science in the Department of Government and Justice Studies at Appalachian State University. She earned a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Rochester in 2014. Her areas of teaching and research focus on political behavior and the political economy of development in Africa and Northeast Asia in the areas of ethnic politics, poverty eradication, and conflict processes. Prior to joining App State in 2022, she was an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at Winthrop University. Her work has been published in Electoral Studies, Political Research Quarterly, Social Science Quarterly, Africa Spectrum, the Extractive Industry and Society, and Habitat International among others, and her book manuscript titled Political Power and the Logic of Co-Ethnic Marginalization in Africa is forthcoming at Routledge.

There are 11 included publications by Dr. Hye-Sung Kim :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Co-Ethnic And Neighborhood Ties And Financial Social Capital Formation Among The Urban Poor In Kenya 2020 631 Objective: Lacking access to formal institutions, the poor in developing countries often use informal savings groups to financially prepare for unexpected events. They often base these groups on social ties to reduce risks, which occur when group mem...
Dynamics Of Capital Structure: The Case Of Korean Listed Manufacturing Companies 2006 909 In this paper, we develop a model of dynamic capital structure choice based on a sample of Korean manufacturing firms and estimate the unobservable optimal capital structure using a wide range of observable determinants. Unbalanced panel data of Kore...
Failed Policy? The Effects Of Kenya's Education Reform: Use Of Natural Experiment And Regression Discontinuity Design 2019 806 Objective: Kenya's 1985 education reform implemented curriculum changes to prepare children for the job market and changed the instructional language from English to local ethnic languages during the first three years of primary education. This artic...
Oil Extraction And The Changing Dynamics Of Pastoral Conflicts: A Conjoint Experiment In Turkana, Kenya 2023 241 Communities inhabiting the arid and semi-arid areas of eastern Africa have long suffered from and engaged in pastoral conflicts. However, since some countries in the region became oil producers, the conditions affecting pastoral conflicts have change...
Oil Extraction And Public Attitudes: A Conjoint Experiment In Turkana, Kenya 2021 820 A conjoint experiment is conducted to understand the impact of oil extraction on community perception. Data is collected from Turkana county in Kenya. No evidence for strong resentment toward oil extraction is found. The overall support is high but t...
Promoting Ethnic Equality In Campaign Messages: Survey Experimental Evidence From Nairobi, Kenya 2021 727 In urban sub-Saharan Africa, leaders should appeal to voters of diverse ethnic backgrounds for electoral success. Yet, the political salience of ethnic inequality demands their attention to ethnicity issues in campaign messaging. This study examines ...
Public Opinion On U.S. Investment In Foreign Countries: Survey Evidence From 11 Southern States In The United States 2022 697 Objective: Despite a growing literature on the impact of economic nationalism on public attitudes toward foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows, public attitudes toward U.S. FDI outflows have been overlooked. We examine U.S. residents' attitudes tow...
The R&D And Productivity Relationship Of Korean Listed Firms 2011 126 This study analyzes the relationship between R&D investment and the productivity of Korean R&D-engaged firms. An interdependent chain of equations including the propensity to invest, R&D investment and productivity are estimated in a multi-step proce...
Rejecting Ethnic Pandering In Urban Africa: A Survey Experiment On Voter Preferences In Nairobi, Kenya 2022 747 Ethnic pandering, in which candidates promise to cater to the interests of coethnic voters, is presumed to be an effective strategy for increasing electoral support in Africa’s emerging multiethnic democracies. However, ethnic political mobilization ...
Secure Land Tenure For Urban Slum-Dwellers: A Conjoint Experiment In Kenya 2019 1195 Until recently, improving land tenure security has been an integral part of slum upgrading initiatives aimed at improving living conditions in urban slums. However, there is limited empirical evidence on whether slum dwellers find housing options wit...
The Winning Party Platform: Voter Perceptions Of Party Positions And Voting In Urban Africa 2021 649 Previous literature suggests that some African parties employ non-valence positional issues in their party platforms and that this practice is more prevalent in some countries than in others; however, no quantitative research has analysed the elector...