Madelynn Stackhouse

There are 4 included publications by Madelynn Stackhouse :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Cross-cultural training: History, developments, future directions 2020 2964 As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the days when employees worked in the same location with local people for extended periods of time are long gone (Gilson et al., 2015; Glikson & Erez, 2019; Lukic & Vracar, 2018). Today, a vast number...
Forgiveness and attribution: when abusive supervision enhances performance 2020 1805 Purpose: While much research shows that abusive supervision reduces employee performance, the purpose of this study is to reverse the lens to question how and under what circumstances abusive supervision leads to enhanced employee performance. The au...
Global leadership effectiveness: A multilevel review and exploration of the construct domain 2022 3348 The field of global leadership has flourished and advanced in the preceding decade. However, in contrast to the term global leadership, which enjoys conceptual clarity enabling accumulative progress, the construct of global leadership effectiveness i...
Homogeneity, heterogeneity, or independence? A multilevel exploration of Big Five personality traits and cultural values in 40 nations 2024 141 This study performs a multilevel analysis of personality traits and cultural values. With data from 7489 participants across 40 nations, we explore the relationship between Big Five personality traits (openness to experience, conscientiousness, extra...