Debra C. Wallace

**Education: PhD Nursing Science, University of South Carolina, 1990; MSN East Carolina University, 1985; BS, Atlantic Christian College, 1979; Certificate of Graduate Study in Gerontology, University of South Carolina, 1990.

There are 13 included publications by Debra C. Wallace :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Advance Care Planning Engagement Among Muslim Community-Dwelling Adults Living in The United States of America 2021 314 Advance care planning (ACP) is a cornerstone of self-determination for the type of care provided at the end of life. Despite many national efforts to improve American adults' engagement in ACP, statistics indicate low engagement. Low engagement, espe...
American-Indian diabetes mortality in the Great Plains Region 2002–2010 2015 1800 Objective To compare American-Indian and Caucasian mortality rates from diabetes among tribal Contract Health Service Delivery Areas (CHSDAs) in the Great Plains Region (GPR) and describe the disparities observed.
Research design and met...
Cardiometabolic health of Chinese older adults with diabetes living in Beijing, China. 2009 2766 ABSTRACT Objectives: Using the PRECEDE-PROCEED model, this study examined the presence of metabolic syndrome and modifiable cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors associated with metabolic syndrome among Chinese adults with diabetes living in Beij...
Cardiovascular risks and physical activity in middle-aged and elderly African-American women. 2007 2140 Cardiovascular disease rates are higher in African American women and they have more cardiovascular risk factors than other groups. Although one of the most important cardiovascular risk reduction behaviors is physical activity, few studies have focu...
Feasibility testing a family level intervention to prevent risky sex behaviors among middle school age Latinas 2018 1504 Purpose: In this article, we report a pilot study that tested the feasibility and initial efficacy of a culturally, linguistically, and developmentally tailored risky sex prevention intervention for middle school–age Latinas and their mothers. Design...
Health-Promoting Lifestyle and Diabetes Knowledge in Hispanic American Adults 2006 12809 This study examined the relationships among demographics, a health-promoting lifestyle, and diabetes knowledge. A descriptive study was conducted in a convenience sample of 40 Hispanic American adults. Participants were recruited from Hispanic church...
Integrating students into interdisciplinary health and health disparities research teams 2017 438 Major initiatives by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as well as the World Health Organization have produced a large and compelling body of evidence on how to reduce health disparities, which entails having a clear understanding of ho...
Integration of gerontology content in nongeriatric undergraduate nursing courses 2006 2174 During the last several years, a school of nursing in the southeastern United States has made concerted efforts to integrate geriatric content into every undergraduate course except obstetrics. Even the pediatric nursing course has infused content ab...
The meaning of insulin to Hispanic immigrants with type 2 diabetes and their families. 2012 2292 Purpose The purpose of this study was to explore the meaning of insulin among a sample of Hispanic immigrants with type 2 diabetes and their family members/significant others. Method Forty-three Hispanics with type 2 diabetes and their family memb...
Perceptions of barriers in managing diabetes: perspectives of Hispanic immigrant patients and family members. 2013 5150 Purpose Hispanics show poorer self-management of type 2 diabetes than non-Hispanic whites. Although previous studies have reported socioeconomic and cultural barriers to diabetes self-management by Hispanics, little is known about perceived barriers ...
Physical Activity, Obesity, Nutritional Health and Quality of Life in Low-Income Hispanic Adults With Diabetes 2010 5129 The study examined relationships among age, body mass index (BMI), physical activity, nutritional health, quality of life, and health-related quality of life in Hispanic adults with diabetes (N = 59) using the PRECEDE-PROCEED planning model as...
Recruitment and retention of African American and Hispanic girls and women in research 2013 1304 Recruiting women and girls into research studies, especially minority women, continues to be a major challenge that impacts health policy and delivery systems. This article discusses various strategies to recruit and retain African American and Hispa...
The value of diabetes self-management programs for African Americans in community-based settings. A review of the literature 2017 1025 When looking at the number of African Americans suffering with diabetes, it is quite evident that traditional methods such as providing pamphlets or videos on diabetes have been unsuccessful when implemented as the only strategy. Community-based inte...