The American Library Association's Quest for a Black Library School |
1994 |
2687 |
The recruitment of members of minority groups into the library profession has been, since the 1960s, a major concern of the library education community. Today, every accredited library school is making efforts to recruit black librarians for admissio... |
The American Library History Round Table: The First Quarter Century |
2000 |
1411 |
A shorter version of this paper was delivered at the 50" anniversary meeting of the Library History Round Table (LHRT) in Washington, D. C. on June, 7, 1998, and subsequently published with other papers of that meeting in Libraries and Culture under ... |
Clio's Claim: The Role of Historical Research in Library and Information Science |
1984 |
3546 |
History offers each librarian a direct opportunity to participate in the cooperative research effort. The writing of history requires no facility with esoteric research tools. The proper use of sources requires care, intelligence, patience, and, freq... |
The Government as Publisher: An Historical Review |
1982 |
1482 |
To most librarians, the topic of federal publishing activities immediately brings forth an image of the Government Printing Office and the seemingly endless expanse of dusting leather bindings that form the enigma of the Serial Set. Many might even a... |
Hampton, Fisk, and Atlanta: The Foundations, the American Library Association, and Library Education for Blacks, 1925-1941 |
1996 |
3216 |
Training Black librarians to work in the segregated South was a major concern of the American Library Association (ALA), of the philanthropic foundations involved in library development in the South, and of southern librarians in the 1920s and 1930s.... |
Louis Shores and Library History |
2000 |
1675 |
Together with Wayne Shirley, Louis Shores began the American Library History Round Table in 1947. With the addition of N. Orwin Rush and John David Marshall, they dominated its proceedings for the first two decades. When Shores and Shirley turned ove... |
Out-of-Print and Antiquarian Books: Guides for Reference Librarians |
1992 |
5222 |
The issue of evaluating old books is one that, on a functional level, has been removed from the provenance of librarians by Internal Revenue Service regulations. But the question in public, academic, and special libraries persists as does the assumpt... |
Sense-Making and Library History |
2000 |
2011 |
A few days before leaving for Philadelphia I was asked to read over a manuscript written by Don Davis, professor at the University of Texas at Austin, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, and one of his doctoral students at Texas, Jon ... |