At the intersections of the embodiment and emergence for a mathematics teacher educator |
2010 |
831 |
Research in mathematics education and curriculum theory currently has a very limited set of intersections. Few education researchers claim to work in both fields. I draw on the work of those few researchers for my own understandings as a mathematics ... |
Connected Tasks: The Building Blocks of Reasoning and Proof |
2010 |
5682 |
Do you find it challenging to find
mathematical tasks that promote
reasoning in your classroom? What
type of tasks do you feel are the most important
for children to investigate? Finding patterns,
and making and justifying conjectures are
consi... |
Exploring Long Division Through Division Quilts |
2014 |
2591 |
As a collective, all of the authors agree that at some point in our teaching careers we recognized that there were minimal ways to demonstrate division when teaching the algorithm in isolation; furthermore, there are rare opportunities to adhere to t... |
Imagery and Utilization of an Area Model as a Way of Teaching Long Division: Meeting Diverse Student Needs |
2010 |
10768 |
The teaching and learning of long division at the elementary level and beyond has presented a longstanding challenge for teachers and students alike. As mathematics teacher educators and as a specialized educator, we address the issue by analyzing so... |
Investigating Quadrilaterals as an Ongoing Task |
2010 |
2735 |
In this article we discuss an open-ended problem involving quadrilaterals that we continually offer each semester. The task has been posed to undergraduate and graduate students in methods and problem solving classes. The task involves drawing all po... |
Linking proportionality across the science and mathematics curricula through science literacy maps. |
2008 |
1430 |
Middle level science and mathematics teachers should collaborate to clarify concepts for students in each of these disciplines. The topic of proportionality is an excellent choice for a collaborative effort, as understanding proportionality is import... |
The nature of feedback given to elementary student teachers from university supervisors after observations of mathematics lessons |
2018 |
447 |
This research explores the frequency and nature of mathematics-specific feedback given to elementary student teachers by university supervisors across a collection of post-lesson observation forms. Approximately one-third of the forms (n=250) analyse... |
Professional development as an ongoing partnership: The sum is greater than its parts |
2019 |
321 |
This study evaluated a multi-year collaborative project between elementary public schools in one district and university researchers. While the district wanted to improve elementary grades students’ achievement in mathematics, they did not want teach... |
Prospective elementary teachers use of representation to reason algebraically |
2009 |
2933 |
We used a teaching experiment to evaluate the preparation of preservice teachers to teach early algebra concepts in the elementary school with the goal of improving their ability to generalize and justify algebraic rules when using pattern-finding ta... |
Signs and tools of algebraic reasoning: A study of models among fifth grade students. |
2012 |
1947 |
This study focuses on the types of models created by students during algebraic pattern finding tasks. Attention is also given to the change in models over time. This is an important area of study because a closer look is needed to better understand t... |
Traveling Representations in a Fifth Grade Classroom: An Exploration of Algebraic Reasoning |
2010 |
1170 |
In this three-day teaching experiment along with follow up interviews, algebraic concepts related to pattern-finding tasks were examined with 25 fifth grade students. The specific focus centered on representations from a realistic mathematics educati... |
Understanding assessment while developing equitable teaching practices |
2018 |
337 |
Our research focuses on a growth model of teachers’ ability to assess student learning as a result of creating equitable instruction for students in informal school settings. We describe data collected as part of a study examining the mathematical re... |
Understanding children’s reasoning in multiplication problem-solving |
2018 |
1742 |
This article investigates two children’s intuitive thinking in solving multiplication problems from different educational backgrounds. One of the children is in a southern elementary school in the US. He was given the same problems both in first and ... |