Breast cancer and dietary and plasma concentrations of carotenoids and vitamin A
- ASU Author/Contributor (non-ASU co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
- Martin Root Ph.D, Associate Professor (Creator)
- Institution
- Appalachian State University (ASU )
- Web Site:
Abstract: A case-control study of breast cancer was conducted inBuffalo. Participants completed a food frequency questionnaire and donateda fasting blood sample before definitiveworkup for breast masses. Dietaryand plasma concentrationsof carotenoids and retinol for 83 women foundto have breast cancer were compared with those of 1 13 women found to befree of breast cancer (control subjects). There were no case-controldifferences in dietary estimates of vitamin A intakeor in plasma a-caroteneand lycopene. However, subjects with breast cancer had lower concentrationsof plasma fj-carotene than did control subjects (P = 0.02). There was nooverall association between plasma retinol and breast cancer but a positiverelationship was observed between retinol and breast cancerin thesubgroup with low fj-carotene values. These results suggest that low plasmafj-carotene is associated with increased risk of breast cancer. Other studieswill need to determine whether low carotene concentrations are a subtleeffect of the disease or might be causally related to breast cancer
Breast cancer and dietary and plasma concentrations of carotenoids and vitamin A
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Created on 1/1/1990
Views: 1100
Additional Information
- Publication
- Nancy Potischman, Charles E McCulloch, Tim Byers, Takuma Nemoro. Nancy Stubbe, Robert Milch, Robert Parker, Kathleen M Rasmussen, Martin Root, Saxon Graham, and T Co/in Campbell(1990) Breast cancer and dietary and plasma concentrations of carotenoids and vitamin A. The American journal of Clinical Nutrition (ISSN 0002-9165)
- Language: English
- Date: 2016
- Keywords
- Carotenoids, vitamin A, breast cancer, diet, plasma, breast-disease, epidemiology,