ALA Disaster Relief for Nepal: Impact on Libraries |
2015 |
653 |
No abstract available |
BIBFRAME & Linked Data 101 |
2017 |
554 |
These slides were used during an ASERL webinar and cover an exploration of BIBFRAME, how it relates to MARC, and the basics of Linked Data. It shows examples of some early experiments using BIBFRAME from libraries in different parts of the country. |
BIBFRAME & Linked Data 101 |
2017 |
379 |
These slides were used during an ASERL webinar and cover an exploration of BIBFRAME, how it relates to MARC, and the basics of Linked Data. It shows examples of some early experiments using BIBFRAME from libraries in different parts of the country. |
Biblioteca Th’uruchapitas and Appalachian State University: Mutual Benefits of Sharing Culture, Resources, and Hospitality Between Two Sister Libraries |
2015 |
1874 |
Biblioteca Th'uruchapitas is not limited to a defined space that contains books for children, but is a network of volunteers that engages with local schools, neighboring public libraries, non-profit organizations, and the general public.1 Biblioteca ... |
Bicycle Tourists: Staying Connected at Public Libraries |
2013 |
1581 |
Each year thousands of bicycle tourists stop at public libraries throughout the United States. They are looking for a place to relax, access to computers and Wi-Fi, and a knowledgeable person that can provide information about the area. In this artic... |
Bridges to China: Developing partnerships between serials librarians in the U.S. and China |
2009 |
2115 |
University librarians in China face many of the same challenges related to serials management that confront librarians in the United States. The authors discuss the importance for librarians in the United States, especially those working with serials... |
Cataloging Serials for Special Collections: The Challenges and Delights of the W.L. Eury Appalachian Collection |
2010 |
2532 |
Cataloging serials in special collections proves to be both a challenge and a delight. Rare, ephemeral, or older serials may contain less descriptive information than is normally found in major current periodicals, making it difficult to record such ... |
ESL and SSL: English and Spanish as Second Languages Collection Development |
2006 |
1648 |
The purpose of this paper is to present introductory information on adult language acquisition, and what librarians can provide for adult language learners to enhance their new language skills. The authors have chosen to focus on two specific groups ... |
International Library Development in Africa: Benefits, Challenges, and Sustainability |
2012 |
3017 |
Through interviews with the two leaders, site visits, and analysis of documentation, this dissertation presents both the benefits and potential negative consequences of book aid, as well as issues relating to the viability of creating sustainable int... |
L’approche D’une Bibliothèque Universitaire Américaine: La Belk Library, Appalachian State University (États-Unis, Caroline-Du-Nord) |
2018 |
914 |
La bibliothèque universitaire Belk a développé une politique documen- taire qui inclut une charte des dons visant à cadrer leurs conditions d’entrée et les usages qu’elle peut en faire. Située dans la région des Appalaches du Sud, cette bibliothèque ... |
LIS Education in America: The Present, the Past, and the Future. |
2016 |
2720 |
In the United States, the Library and Information Science (LIS) degree is most often a graduate degree at the master’s level. The degree is most commonly named the Masters of Library Science (MLS) or the Masters of Library and Information Science (ML... |
Modeling ACRL's Standards for Libraries in Higher Education |
2014 |
1661 |
The article discusses how the Association of College and Research Libraries' (ACRL) Standards for Libraries in Higher Education provided a framework for the University of Libraries at Appalachian State to identify and document its role in institution... |
The Quest for Sustainability in International Library Development: The Experience of the Riecken Foundation |
2013 |
1980 |
The Riecken Foundation provides support to communities in developing countries to create sustainable partnership library programs focusing on collection development, technology applications, and assem- bling professional staff and volunteers. This ar... |
An Update: Introduction To BIBFRAME And Linked Data |
2016 |
537 |
PDF of Presentation and Slides for NCLA-RTSS Fall Workshop, 2016. Update to presentation given on BIBFRAME and Linked Data at NCLA 2015. |
An Update: Introduction To BIBFRAME And Linked Data |
2016 |
407 |
PDF of Presentation and Slides for NCLA-RTSS Fall Workshop, 2016. Update to presentation given on BIBFRAME and Linked Data at NCLA 2015. |