Change Drivers In The New Millennium: Implications For Manufacturing Strategy Research |
2001 |
1893 |
Drawing on multiple sources, we identify technological, global and workforce trends that will affect the formulation and implementation of manufacturing strategy in the next decade. We then describe several theories from economics, sociology, and psy... |
The Development And Deployment Of Electronic Personal Health Records: A Strategic Positioning Perspective |
2013 |
399 |
The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of strategic position on the ability of an entrepreneurial firm to successfully develop and deploy electronic personal health records technology within the US healthcare industry. The study contribut... |
Effects Of Explanations Communicated In Announcements Of Alleged Labor Abuses On Valuation Of A Firm’s Stock |
2017 |
343 |
The purpose of this paper is to gauge the impact of the following on the share price of a firm that has allegedly committed labor abuses: the allegation itself, explanations (justifications and excuses) offered by the company spokesperson, and denial... |
The Effects Of Initial Differences In Firms’ Espoused Values On Their Postmerger Performance |
2004 |
669 |
Recent studies have concluded that most mergers and acquisitions (M&As) reduce rather than increase shareholder value for the acquiring firm, but understanding of why this occurs is limited. To date, most research has focused on issues of strategic f... |
Environmental Uncertainty And Product–Process Life Cycles: A Multi-Level Interpretation Of Change Over Time |
2003 |
652 |
Product-process life cycle models are often used to describe long-term change in organizations. Such models generally assume a deterministic trajectory of long-run industry evolution and production core transformation that lead to standardization ove... |
An Exploratory Study Of How Destination Marketing Organizations Pursue The Sports Tourism Market |
2018 |
4043 |
In recent years, destination marketing organizations (DMOs) have taken advantage of the opportunities that sports tourism offers their communities. Although researchers acknowledge the important role played by DMOs in pursuing the sports tourism mark... |
Formulating Strategic Direction For A Gated Residential Community |
2009 |
1791 |
Over the past two decades, a growing number of Americans have decided to live in gated residential communities. Academic research and case studies tend to focus on explaining this growth phenomenon from a range of perspectives, yet surprisingly lit... |
Hot Spots And Blind Spots: Geographical Clusters Of Firms And Innovation |
1996 |
3172 |
Hot spots are fast-growing geographic clusters of competing firms. Drawing on several literature streams, we develop an evolutionary model that contrasts hot spot and non-hot spot competitors within the same industry. Initially, economies of agglomer... |
How Unions Affect Shareholder Wealth In Firms Announcing Layoffs |
2004 |
2015 |
We investigate whether investor anticipation of future performance differs between union and nonunion firms following corporate layoff announcements. Using event study methodology and multivariate regression analysis, we find that the stock market r... |
The Influence Of Corporate Governance On Investor Reactions To Layoff Announcements |
1999 |
582 |
Researchers in strategy often use agency theory to explain problems arising from the separation of ownership and management in corporations. These so-called agency problems occur when managerial activities fail to maximize shareholder value. For exam... |
Interpersonal Aspects Of Justice In Relationships Between Consumers And Service Providers: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis |
2009 |
950 |
There is a controversy in the justice literature as to whether interpersonal aspects of justice are best represented as one construct (interactional justice) or two (interpersonal justice and informational justice). Using confirmatory factor analysis... |
Patterns In The Diffusion Of Strategies Across Organizations: Insights From The Innovation Diffusion Literature |
1998 |
1072 |
Firms often adopt strategies in spite of mixed evidence about the strategy's performance and of evidence that the strategy leads to inefficient outcomes. Here, we describe the conditions prompting the spread of inefficient strategies through a popula... |
Perspectives On Universal Health Insurance And Coverage Of Traditional Medicine: The Case Of Taiwan |
2015 |
377 |
Inclusion of traditional medical therapies is one consideration in determining the range of services to be covered under universal health insurance. Having introduced a single-payer universal health insurance system in the 1990s that covers specified... |
R&D Spending And Sources Of Funding Of Private US Biopharmaceutical Firms Seeking To Go Public |
2010 |
1009 |
This study analyzes the relationship between the amount of research and development (R&D) spending in private US biopharmaceutical firms before they go public and whether or not these firms tap into external sources of funding for investment before a... |
The Relationship Between Undergraduate Attendance And Performance Revisited: Alignment Of Student And Instructor Goals |
2011 |
1786 |
We revisit the relationship between attendance and performance in the undergraduate university setting and apply agency theory in the instructor–student context. Building on agency theory propositions in the educational setting advanced by Smith, Zsi... |
Technology Clusters Versus Industry Clusters: Resources, Networks, And Regional Advantages |
2006 |
2134 |
The tendency of firms to cluster within a region has been observed for quite some time. However, it is only over the past two decades that business researchers have focused much attention on clusters, particularly in terms of their entrepreneurial an... |