Derrick, Ray


There are 3 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
The Science Teacher: A Sanitarian 1957 650 It was the purpose of this study (1) to enable science teachers to make preliminary determinations of the purity of water; (2) to describe the preliminary methods for testing water within the jurisdiction of the science teacher; and (3) to show how ...
An Ecological Survey Of Flat Rock Mountain 1958 346 The purpose of this thesis is to make an ecological survey of plant life on Flat Rock Mountain, located in Avery County, North Carolina. This involves studying and identifying the plant communities of that area, their structure, development, and caus...
Industrial Waste And Human Sewage Pollution Within The New River Drainage Basin Of Watauga County, 1963 1964 383 This investigation was undertaken to determine (1) the extent of human sewage and industrial waste pollution in Watauga County at present; (2) what efforts are being made to improve the pollution condition that exists; (3) what abatement plans have b...