Clark-Keefe, Kelly


There are 6 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Perceptions of 21st Century Community College Leaders on the Role of Relational Leadership 2010 6878 Recent research by the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) has revealed that community colleges and their leaders are facing unique challenges (McNair, 2010). According to a 2001 AACC study, nearly 80% of current community college presi...
Realities, Risks, and Responsibilities: A Critical Narrative Inquiry and Autoethnographic Exploration of Biculturality Among Black Professional Women 2010 8767 Ten Black women academics employed in universities and professional institutions in the southeastern United States and the autoethnographic researcher participated in a qualitative study of personal appearance biculturality among Black professional w...
Honor Bound: Exploring the Disparity of Treatment of Women in Kurdistan, Iraq 2010 2536 The purpose of this dissertation was to explore the disparity of treatment of women in Kurdistan, Northern Iraq. The primary focus of this feminist, ethnographic research was to explore the conflicting perceptions of women in Kurdistan, Iraq, and the...
Understanding the Educational Experiences of Graduate Counseling Students Engaged in Therapeutic Expressive Arts-Based Activities 2012 2293 This study focuses on how graduate counseling students experience therapeutic expressive arts-based activities. Participation in expressive arts-based activities for graduate counseling students is intended to give students an understanding of how c...
Exploring the College-Going Scripts of Students Enrolled in a Rural Early College High School 2011 1977 While much has been written about the characteristics of first-generation college students, little has been written about the transformation they undergo on their way to a university education. In my arts-informed qualitative case study, I explored ...
Craftonomics: Homo Aestheticus, Homo Economicus, and Poiesis 2014 3272 This empirical and discursive qualitative research project explores the complexities of engaging making practices with respect to well-being, economics, and education. The research engages narrative inquiry as a means of understanding the complex so...