Dewel, William


There are 2 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Functional Morphology Of The Midgut And An Undescribed Organ In The Heterotardigrade Echiniscus Viridissimus Peterfi, 1956 1990 220 This study was undertaken to examine adaptations of the heterotardigrade, Echiniscus viridissimus, to the problems of osmoregulation and excretion posed by its terrestrial environment....
Observations On The Fungus Sorochytrium Milnesiophthora SP. NOV., An Endoparasite Of The Tardigrade Milnesium Tardigradum Doyere 1984 328 This thesis describes, and documents with photomicrographs, the life cycle of Sorochytrium Milnesiophthora SP. NOV., a chytridiomycetous fungus endoparasitic upon the cosmopolitan eutardigrade Milnesium Tardigradum Doyere....