Ludwig , Timothy


There are 7 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Increasing Sales by Managing the Interlocking Contingencies Between Sales Representatives and Customers Using Behavioral Self-Monitoring 2013 4289 The interlocking contingencies that exist between a customer and sales representatives may contribute to buying decisions. The purpose of this study is to redesign the sales call verbal process of five sales representatives to shape the verbal behav...
DART: A Data Analytics Readiness Assessment Tool For Use In Occupational Safety 2020 3071 The safety industry is lagging in Big Data utilization due to various obstacles, which may include lack of analytics readiness (e.g. disparate databases, missing data, low validity) or competencies (e.g. personnel capable of cleaning data and running...
Who Is Better At Identifying At-Risk Behavior? Leader Versus Employee Processes To Implement Task-Specific Behavioral Pinpoints 2020 542 Reducing workplace injuries through preventative measures requires the identification of risks so that interventions can be designed to reduce the prevalence of behaviors that may result in injury. Behavioral safety processes have been adopted by num...
Don’t Touch That: Manufacturing Management And Employee Risk Perceptions Directing Safety Strategies 2022 198 Risk perception describes the extent managers and employees perceive workplace safety hazards and risk. Managers’ risk perception may influence whether they will take action to mitigate these hazards. Employee risk perception may influence how they b...
Staffing a Major Academic Medical Center During a Long Term Disaster 2010 1820 An emergency preparedness planning process model and emergency preparedness planning process map were created based upon the pandemic planning process implemented by a large Midwestern health system. The emergency preparedness planning model and proc...
Assessing the Efficacy of Training Targeting Contextual Comments in Behavior Based Safety Observations 2015 2947 This study examines the efficacy of a training program to influence context-rich comments on Behavior Based Safety observation forms. Comments that provide contextual information about observed behaviors can be valuable in Behavior Based Safety prog...
Validating The Safety Measurement Culture Survey: Assessing Employee Safety Reporting 2021 337 Organizations are increasingly using data and the outcome of data analysis to make decisions. However, certain organizational practices may reduce the value of the data, thereby hindering the decisions made based on analytics. The safety measurement ...