Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
The Relationship Between Selected Demographic, Intellectual, And Experiential Variables And Fear Of Death In Children |
1978 |
241 |
The taboo on the subject of death is slowly being lifted bringing about more studies on the cognitive and emotional aspects of death. The present study focused on fear of death.... |
The Validity Of Suggestibility As A Defining Feature Of The Hysterical Personality |
1984 |
57 |
The present work investigated the validity of suggestibility as a core characteristic of the hysterical personality pattern.... |
The Influence Of Demand Characteristics And Psychosocial Stereotypes On Menstrual Cycle Mood Fluctuations And The Menstrual Distress Questionnaire |
1985 |
44 |
Three hundred and fifty-three undergraduates from a state university were given the Depression Adjective Checklist (DACL), the State form of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, the Menstrual Distress Questionnaire (MDQ), and the MMPI Hypochondriasis ... |
An Examination Of The Utility And Validity Of Two Screening Devices For Organic Brain Syndrome In Geriatric Populations |
2022 |
264 |
Three groups of 12 subjects, all 65 years of age or older, were administered the Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire (SPMSQ) and the Canter Background Interference procedure (BIP).... |
Correlates Of Subjective Well-Being In Chronically Ill Older Persons |
1982 |
254 |
Physical and psychological well-being in older persons is a matter of great social as well as personal concern. Chronic illness affects an older person's performance of basic tasks of living and social roles. Failure in these areas tends to affect se... |
Assertiveness, Locus Of Control, And Body Image In Anorexia Nervosa And Bulimia |
1985 |
251 |
The purpose of the present investigation was to examine differences among anorexic, bulimic, and control subjects as a function of assertiveness, locus of control, and body image.... |
The Effects Of Meditation And Progressive Relaxation On Performance Tasks Requiring Focused Attention |
1978 |
247 |
In order to investigate the effects of meditation on performance tasks requiring focused attention, forty-one subjects who had never meditated were randomly divided into four groups: (i) a group that was trained in a Zazen meditative technique (N = 1... |
The Effects Of The Dangerousness Of The Environment In Attribution Of Responsibility To The Victim In The Incidence Of Rape |
1983 |
303 |
The purpose of the present study was to assess the attribution of responsibility to the rape victim as a function of the dangerousness of the environment.... |
A Community Program For Chronic Schizophrenics: A Look At Outcome Effectiveness |
1982 |
97 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a program designed to enhance self-help skills and personal adjustment of deinstitutionalized chronic psychiatric patients.... |
Youthful Offenders' Causal Attributions As A Function Of Personality Styles |
1983 |
115 |
This study examined explanations, or attributions, by youthful offenders about the causes of their own and others' criminal behavior and how these explanations relate to personality factors.... |
An Assessment Of Attitudinal Rigidity In Relation To Age And Abstract Intelligence |
1982 |
113 |
Although older adults are often characterized as rigid in both beliefs and behavior, research is often confounded by cohort differences and is usually not directed specifically to attitudes.... |
Intellectual And Personality Characteristics Of Non-Punitive Segregated Inmates |
1981 |
192 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate possible differences in intellectual and personality characteristics of NPS inmates and General Population inmates.... |
The Need For Control In Anorexia Nervosa |
1981 |
275 |
The purpose of this investigation was to study the need for control in anorexia nervosa by looking at anorectics' manipulative, controlling behavior.... |
A Study Of Psychological Factors During Pregnancy And The Relationship To Labor, Delivery, And Infant Status At Birth |
1984 |
142 |
The purpose of this study was to explore psychological factors during pregnancy and their relationship to labor, delivery, and infant status at birth.... |