Brantz, Rennie


There are 3 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Bearing Witness: The Case For Holocaust Education In Public Schools 2016 1849 The United States is at a crossroads. At a time when anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial numbers are mounting once more, the number of living Holocaust survivors is dwindling. Thus, the responsibility for teaching future generations about the Nazi Hol...
The Problem of Ernst Heinkel: Nationalism and State Power in Early Twentieth Century German Aviation 2011 6514 The thesis examines the changing power structure between Ernst Heinkel’s private aviation business and the German government during the first half of the twentieth century. Utilizing Heinkel’s autobiography, newspaper articles published during his li...
Albert Speer: Some American Perceptions Of A Nazi War Criminal 1984 66 Albert Speer is of interest to Americans primarily because he was not the typical Nazi....