Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
Nuhschedule: A Web Application For Automated Course Scheduling |
2018 |
1567 |
College students take on a large amount of coursework, and require much time and physical energy to be able to successfully complete their tasks. Students would like to develop course schedules that save them time spent on campus, and physical energy... |
Maximum Independent Set And Maximum Induced Matching Problems For Competitive Programming |
2021 |
548 |
Competitive programming is a growing interest among students, with some students training for years to be competitive in national and international competitions. Competitive programming problems continue to become more complex; yet they are always so... |
Chess Move Generation Using Bitboards |
2023 |
177 |
Chess has been a subject of study in artificial intelligence for many decades, and chess agent programs have contributed to many theoretical ideas in the field. It was thought in the early 1960s that no computer would be able to play as well as a hum... |
Dynamic Programming Insights From Programming Contests |
2021 |
2233 |
Competitive programming is a sport for solving highly complex algorithmic problems. These problems range from simple brute-force to advanced algorithms like network flows or dynamic programming. Many problems require the use of several different tech... |