Siefferman, Lynn


There are 24 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
A Test of Parental Preferences for Offspring Sex and Ornamentation in Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) 2011 2070 Avian parents protect their fledglings from predators. Given parents have limited resources, they face trade-offs when simultaneously rearing multiple offspring. Parents might favor particularly valuable offspring. Offspring characteristics influence...
Effects of social aggression on tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) offspring behavior and physiology 2012 2124 Territorial animals that breed in high-density environments often experience high levels of competition for resources necessary for reproduction and, thus, are likely to engage in social aggression with conspecifics. In many species, increased social...
Food Web Structure of a Subtropical South American Stream with Particular Focus on the Co-Evolution of Form and Function in an Endemic Species Flock 2012 6080 I analyzed the food web structure of the Rio Cuareim, a subtropical piedmont stream located along the Uruguay-Brazil border. I used stable isotope ratios and stomach content analysis to delineate the trophic guild structure of fishes and invertebrate...
Effects of Physicochemical Parameters and Land-Use Composition on the Abundance and Occurrence of Eastern Hellbenders (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis) 2013 2562 Altered landscapes have negative effects on stream habitats through altering hydrologic, sediment, and nutrient cycling regimes. These changes often reduce or displace populations of sensitive biota. The hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis) is a...
Occupancy Modeling and Disease Susceptibility of Montane Salamander Species in Western North Carolina 2012 1698 Amphibians worldwide are in a state of decline. Their declines could be caused by habitat destruction, chemical pollution, UV-B irradiation, exotic species, exploitation, climate change, and disease. Monitoring at-risk populations allows researcher...
Morphological and ecological causes of interspecific aggression between golden-winged and chestnut-sided warblers. 2015 961 Interspecific aggression is widespread throughout the animal kingdom, yet research that documents the evolutionary and ecological consequences remains limited and unclear. Aggressive behaviors are often indicative of an ecological niche overlap betwe...
Estimates Of Eastern Hellbender (Cryptobranchus Alleganiensis Alleganiensis) Occupancy And Detection Using Two Sampling Methods 2016 1819 Environmental DNA (eDNA) is a non-invasive survey method that is an increasingly popular alternative for detecting rare aquatic species. Although recent studies have demonstrated the efficacy of eDNA in detecting the presence of aquatic species, the ...
Potential Effects Of Aggression, Site, And Proximate Determinants That Facilitate Tree Swallow Range Expansion 2016 1326 Breeding range expansion occurs when individuals disperse to novel environments over successive breeding seasons and it is expected that both range expanding and native species will be affected. Additionally, native species can experience increased a...
Intervention Methods for Spurring Emergent Literacy in Children Who Are Deaf or Hard Of Hearing By Hearing Parents: A Literature Review 2015 1124 This thesis focuses on the methods hearing parents may employ to spur emergent literacy in their children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Children who are deaf or hard of hearing are naturally at risk for language and literacy delays. Children with ...
Consistency of Stress Hormone Profiles and Associations between Personality and Hormone Levels in a Wild Breeding Bird 2015 1124 Differences in personalities similar to those in humans have been documented in wild animals; individuals differ consistently in suites of correlated traits within and across contexts. Little is known about how hormones profiles may be related to ani...
Investigation of male Golden-winged Warbler plumage traits as sexually selected ornaments 2015 1080 Substantial evidence has now demonstrated that fertilization competition selects for the most effective status-signaling and female-stimulating ornaments and that females measurably benefit from choosing males with the most elaborate ornaments. Study...
Predator And Environmental Effects On The Polymorphic Egg Masses Of Spotted Salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) 2016 1708 Polymorphisms may be maintained if selection intensity and gene flow vary across a species’geographic range. Jelly coats of amphibian eggs are under many different selective forces,such as predators and external environment interactions. Spotted sala...
Conspicuous Coloration May Function To Deter Avian Predators In Appalachian Salamanders 2017 1524 I combined three complementary approaches to explore the potential for aposematic signaling in Plethodon yonahlossee and Ambystoma maculatum. I quantified integument conspicuousness from an avian perspective via reflectance spectrometry and spot size...
Individual Variation In Stress Hormones And Behavioral Profiles Represented By Personality And Plasticity In Tree Swallows 2017 717 Behavioral and evolutionary ecologists have been increasingly interested in why individuals from the same population exhibit consistent differences in behavioral and physiological traits across contexts - a phenomenon referred to as ‘animal personali...
Associations Between Parasitic Blow Flies And The Breeding Density And Synchrony Of Cavity Nesting Passerines 2018 862 Understanding transmission dynamics of parasites can assist in both disease control and conservation. Parasite load is traditionally viewed as a function of host density, but this model fails in some instances, usually depending on the life cycle of ...
Sexual Selection On Plumage Color In A North Carolina Population Of Eastern Bluebirds 2018 637 Species can exhibit exaggerated ornamentation that aids in the securement of mates. Sexual selection acts on variation in mating success and is prevalent in the color of plumage of many species of birds. Sexual dimorphism exists in species with conve...
Influence Of Maternal Aggression And Stress Response On Offspring Quality In Tree Swallows 2020 350 Mounting evidence suggests wild animals possess unique personalities that, while consistent within individuals, differ across individuals in the population. Conversely, the glucocorticoid profiles of animals can show high within-individual plasticity...
Intrinsic And Extrinsic Factors Predict Local Recruitment And Natal Dispersal Distance In A Resident Passerine, The Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) 2022 206 Natal recruitment and dispersal distances can have important impacts on population dynamics and are influenced by ecological and individual factors. I assessed the intrinsic and extrinsic determinants of local recruitment and natal dispersal from a 3...
Predictors Of Bat Species Occupancy On The Blue Ridge Parkway 2023 213 This study examined bat species occupancy (?) along the North Carolina portion of the Blue Ridge Parkway during the summer of 2021, where 7 of 14 species are susceptible to white-nose syndrome. Through the use of passive acoustic surveys and call ide...
Variation In Plumage Coloration Of Eastern Bluebirds (Sialis Sialis) In Relation To Weather And Geography 2017 1917 Plumage coloration is thought to convey individual quality and influence reproductive success for many species. Few studies have investigated how weather variation during molt impacts ornamental traits. Eastern bluebirds (Sialis Sialis), an insectivo...
Personalities Of Mated Pairs And Parental Provisioning Coordination In Eastern Bluebirds 2018 541 Animal personality is characterized by consistent similar reactions by an individual across contexts and time. Although individual personality is known to influence fitness, the extent to which similarity of pair personality influences fitness in mon...
Maternal Personality May Mitigate The Negative Impacts Of Anthropogenic Noise On A Free-Living Bird 2020 580 Although the effects of anthropogenic noise pollution on wildlife populations are well documented, little research has focused on the importance of animal personality in mitigating these impacts. Bold individuals may be less likely to suffer than mee...
Influence Of Human Activity On The Stress-Hormone Levels And Nestling Growth Of Wild Breeding Tree Swallows 2016 934 Anthropogenic disturbance can influence the physiology of individuals in wild breeding populations and have consequences for population ecology and conservation biology. The response to stressors in daily life is mediated by the hypothalamo-pituitary...
Trophic Ecology Of An Imperiled Giant Salamander (Cryptobranchus A. Alleganiensis) In Southern Appalachian Streams 2019 1310 Eastern hellbenders (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis) are large, aquatic amphibians that are a conservation priority in much of their range. However, our understanding of their role in aquatic foodwebs is limited. Prior gut content and obs...