Emery, Lisa


There are 18 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
The Effects of the Natural Environment on Attention Restoration 2014 11092 Natural environments have previously been found to promote both positive moods and cognitive restoration, and interacting with nature may help support an individual’s cognitive and emotional well-being. The purpose of this study was to determine if a...
Decreased Cognitive Functioning In Depression: A Result Of Inherent Deficits Or A By-Product Of Emotion Regulation? 2017 1907 Past research has found that depression is associated with both increased rumination and decreased memory ability. Some researchers think rumination may increase cognitive load and consequently might impair memory ability directly. The purpose of the...
Leisure Time Preferences Of Student Veterans 2017 670 Since the implementation of the post 9/11 GI Bill, college campuses have seen an increase in the number of student veterans on campus. This student population may have more difficulties than other students in adjusting to campus life, and often have ...
Interpersonal Emotion Regulation And Online Social Support For Depression: A Review 2018 1184 Online social interactions have become commonplace as social media sites like Facebook and Twitter have risen in popularity. People frequently share about life events, emotions, and even mental health concerns, and there is evidence to suggest that i...
Episodic Future Thought: Contributions From Working Memory 2012 6286 Increasing evidence from several domains of research indicates that similar neurocognitive mechanisms underlie both the ability to remember the past and the ability to imagine novel future events. An emerging hypothesis accounting for these similari...
Ths Self-Controlled Eyewitness: Memory Changes Through Emotional Suppression 2016 1082 The current study aimed to analyze differences in eyewitness memory of crime bystanders who suppress emotions versus express emotions. Twenty subjects were enrolled in a study presented as relating emotional regulation to risk-­-taking, and they pla...
Age Differences In Emotional Response To Future Events 2018 605 Much prior research has been conducted on how emotions change across the life span. The current study aimed to determine age differences in emotional responses to future events by utilizing Linguistic Inquiry Word Count (LIWC) software to determine t...
Anxious People Report Less Emotional Distancing While Imagining Negative Future Events 2019 590 This study examined the association between future thinking, anxiety, and emotional distancing. The primary goal of this study was to investigate whether psychological distance has the same emotional impact while imagining future events that it does ...
Mindfulness and Suppression as Emotion Regulation Strategies 2015 2203 This study examines what effect mindfulness has on anxiety and memory levels in comparison to a suppression and control group. Participants underwent natural, suppression, and mindful conditions while being shown a series of positive and negative ima...
Awareness, Attention, Acceptance: How Mindfulness As An Emotion Regulation Strategy Could Reduce Anxiety 2018 1180 This study examines how emotion regulation (suppression and mindfulness) during stimulus encoding impacts feelings of anxiety at re-exposure. Prior research suggests that suppression is ineffective at changing negative feelings short-term, instead pr...
Chronic Ruminators Remember More Episodic Details Of A Recent Upsetting Event 2019 372 Previous research by Kathryn Hardin (2017) suggests that chronic rumination of a recent, sad event by college students is associated with better performance on memory tests. Extending this research, the present study uses data collected from a previo...
Dementia Worry: Does Public Stigma Predict People’s Concerns About Developing Dementia 2022 332 Previous research indicates a relationship between increased dementia worry and anticipated stigma concerning attitudes from friends and family. The stereotype content model describes how we stereotype people: their status in society (“competence”) a...
Mindfulness And Suppression As Emotion Regulation Strategies For Sadness 2018 641 The primary purpose of this study was to explore how emotion regulation impacts memory, and how depression might moderate these effects. I recruited 53 participants through Appalachian State’s SONA system. Participants consisted of 13 males and 40 fe...
Links Between The Creative Practice Of Art And Empathy In Existing Literature 2020 1015 In the body of research investigating the connections between the creative practice of art and empathy there are quite a few individual studies, but a distinct lack of literature reviews or meta analyses. Literature reviews and meta analyses help to ...
Positive And Negative Reappraisal As Love Regulation Strategies In College Students 2020 535 This study examined the effects of reappraisal of an ex-partner on reducing romantic love-feelings in students who are experiencing distress related to a romantic break-up. The current study was based on the study by Langeslag and Sanchez (2018), whi...
Self-Reported Physical Health Does Not Predict Declining Cognitive Health In Older Adults 2019 230 Objective: This study investigated whether abnormal changes in cognition are associated with self-reported measures of physical health in older adults, specifically those meeting criteria for Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). Method: Participants (n =...
The Impact Of Stress On Memory: Does Arousal Timing Affect Individual Susceptibility To Misinformation? 2021 768 The misinformation effect, or the idea that information introduced after an event can change the memory for that event, has been studied for many decades. The purpose of the current study was to investigate whether arousal introduced during the recon...
The Use Of Autobiographical Memory Training To Improve Dementia Symptoms And Prevent Cognitive Decline In Older Adults 2023 411 Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain disease characterized by symptoms such as memory loss, language difficulties, and other cognitive deficits. Alzheimer’s disease is also the leading cause of dementia. Dementia is not a normal consequence of ...