Bolt, Les


There are 5 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Exploring Common Characteristics Among Community College Students: Comparing Online and Traditional Student Success 2010 7652 This study examines course entry characteristics of students in both the regular and online sections of an introductory computer class in a North Carolina community college. These characteristics are compared to student performance on a standardized ...
Teacher Merit Pay In A Rural Western North Carolina County: A Quantitative Analysis Of The Effects Of Student Characteristics On A Teacher’s Likelihood Of Receiving A Monetary Bonus In Math Or Reading In Grades Three - Eight 2019 839 This quantitative work is an exploratory study examining the North Carolina bonus pay structure enacted in 2016-2017 for math and reading teachers in grades three through eight. The study used student data from a rural western North Carolina county f...
Survey Of Teacher Opinions On The Use Of Learning Analytics To Improve Student Learning 2020 1171 This investigation focused on opinions of K-12 teachers from North Carolina regarding awareness, usage, resources, and attitudes about learning analytics. Results contribute to validation of the 2013 Horizon Report predictions for implementation in K...
Giving And Gratitude: Comparing Communication Media And Expressions Of Gratitude On Subsequent Annual Giving 2022 421 Increasing the alumni participation rate (APR) by raising annual gift donations is one of the biggest challenges facing higher education institutions. While research shows many factors can motivate individuals to donate, little is known about how col...
Assessing the impact: A descriptive phenomenological study examining the provision of sustainability initiatives in higher education and the impact on stakeholder values, perceptions, and behavior 2015 2004 Understanding what, and how, knowledge is communicated is critical in assessing how well information is transmitted in higher education. This is especially true when dealing with new fields of study or integrated practices that attempt to reach acro...