Perry, L. Baker


There are 8 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Snowfall Event Characteristics from a High-Elevation Site in the Southern Appalachian Mountains 2013 1656 Accurate assessment of snowfall patterns in high elevation remote areas is essential to providing the necessary boundary conditions for climatological analyses. The Southern Appalachian Mountain (SAM) region of the eastern U.S. provides a unique stud...
Winter Climate Variability In The Southern Appalachian Mountains, 1910-2017 2017 1751 Recognized as an anomalous region regarding climate change, this study identifies long-term trends and variation of temperature and snowfall during climatological winter (DJF) from 1910 to 2017. The identification of several teleconnection patterns, ...
Identification Of A Regionally Coherent Subseasonal Signal Of Stable Isotopes In Tropical Andean Precipitation 2018 514 Limited observations and the lack of comprehensive understanding of the controls on the isotopic content of precipitation severely limit paleoclimate reconstructions in the outer tropical Andes. This study examines four years of daily observations of...
Spatiotemporal Patterns Of ENSO-Precipitation Relationships In The Tropical Andes Of Southern Peru And Bolivia 2018 1438 Precipitation in the tropical Andes is highly seasonal and exhibits considerable interannual variability. The primary driver in interannual variability is the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), with most investigations reporting that the El Niño (L...
Synoptic Patterns Associated With Wet Season Onset In The Tropical High Andes Of Southern Peru And Bolivia 2019 397 In the outer tropical Andes where a clear distinction between the wet and dry season exist, precipitation is one of the most relevant factors in determining glacier mass balance. This study examines daily precipitation observations from 1979 to 2017 ...
Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions in the Southern Appalachian Mountains 2011 3251 Aerosols directly and indirectly influence the surface energy balance and therefore have an important impact on weather and climate. The indirect effects of aerosols, associated with changes in cloud properties and lifetimes, remain poorly understood...
Satellite Perspectives on the Spatial Extent of New Snowfall in the Southern Appalachian Mountains 2013 1589 The Southern Appalachian Mountains (SAM) are a heavily forested mid-latitude mountain region which provide an ideal location for assessing the suitability of satellite-derived snow maps and explicitly linking atmospheric circulation to the spatial pa...
Analytical Hierarchical Modeling Of Glacial Lake Outburst Flood Potential In The Khumbu Region, Nepal 2021 712 The Himalayas have seen increasingly devastating glacial lake outburst floods (GLOF), particularly in recent years. These floods are becoming more significant and common as the climate continues to rapidly warm in the region, making accurate and freq...