Steele, Kenneth


There are 3 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Effects of Color Perception and Enacted Avoidance Behavior on Intellectual Task Performance in an Achievement Context 2012 5866 Previous research has established performance impairment in intellectual tasks as a consequence of brief exposure to the color red. Furthermore, previous research has established a mediational process in which avoidance-grounded processes mediate the...
Preliminary Evidence For Two Independent Learning Mechanisms Via Electrodermal Responses To Visual Stimuli 2017 699 There is debate among learning theorists regarding the mechanisms underlying human associative learning. Some researchers argue a single-process drives human associative learning, a propositional model guided by higher-order reasoning. Other research...
String-Mediated Inertial Force-Based Haptic Perception Of Disk Diameter 2018 432 Past research on haptic perception suggests that humans can accurately identify the physical properties of an object without any access to visual information. Researchers contend that, in the absence of vision, the distribution of the inertial forces...