Browning, Judkin


There are 16 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Comparative Memories: War Defeat and Historical Memory Formation in the Post-Civil War American South and Post-World War II Germany 2013 5226 Defeat in war, and the humiliation that sometimes follows, creates memories of war and the defeated society that are often more myth than reality. And nowhere is this more apparent than in the American South following the American Civil War and Germa...
BASED ON A TRUE STORY: JESSE JAMES AND THE REINTERPRETATION OF HISTORY IN POPULAR MEDIA 2015 13880 This thesis examines the ways in which the story of Jesse James continues to be portrayed in popular and scholarly media. First, it explores the media’s effect on the creation of his legend and much of the American knowledge of his life. Then it lo...
Bastions Or Burdens? Assessing The Role Of Anglo-American Hospital Ships During The World Wars 2019 1247 Military historians rarely examine the evacuation of battlefield casualties. This project seeks to help remedy this deficiency by assessing the role of Anglo-American hospital ships during the First and Second World War. As far back as the eighteenth...
Weaponized Landscapes: An Environmental History Of The Battle Of Okinawa And Its Aftermath 2019 4539 By the onset of the Battle of Okinawa in 1945, the Japanese had mastered the use of terrain as a defensive ally. The subject of the environment has gained increasing attention in the study of military history. Japan, being less industrialized than ot...
Educating The Freedmen During The Civil War: Letters From Beaufort And New Bern, North Carolina, 1863-1865 2019 1552 This edited collection provides an insight on the lives of the American Missionary Association (AMA) agents, northern minister Horace James, and the recently freed slaves who lived in and around Beaufort and New Bern, North Carolina. These letters re...
The Cost Of Loyalty: Contesting Allegiances During The Civil War And Reconstruction In North Carolina, 1861-1871 2020 1492 In North Carolina, Unionism was a dominant force until President Abraham Lincoln’s April 1861 call for a militia to put down the southern rebellion. Though seemingly united in its secessionist stance in the beginning months of the war, widespread ant...
George Edmund Badger: The Soul Of North Carolina Unionism 2020 892 The most transformative period of American history, the antebellum era, saw the rise and fall of numerous political parties, countless debates about the nature of the union, and the descent of the nation into Civil War. This thesis focuses on George ...
Home Yankees: Unionism In Burke And Watauga Counties In North Carolina, 1861-1865 2009 320 One of the least understood aspects of the Civil War in Appalachia in Unionism. This thesis evaluates who Unionists in Burke and Watauga Counties were, and what characteristics defined them. This thesis relies heavily on the use of Southern Claims Co...
Sons Of The Confederacy, Sons Of Freedmen: Race, Manhood, And Motivation In North Carolina’s Volunteer Regiments In The Spanish-American War 2021 378 This thesis examines the experience of soldiers in North Carolina’s three volunteer regiments during the Spanish-American War. It situates their military service within the context of race and manhood at the end of the nineteenth century. The Spanish...
The Introduction And Development Of National Socialism In The United States: 1924-1967 2023 495 This is a research paper on the history of the early National Socialist movement in the United States, from the first German Nazis to immigrate to America in the 1920s up to the assassination of the American Nazi Party’s founder in 1967. The paper ar...
With God On Our Side: Clerical Support Of Secession And The Confederate War Effort In North Carolina 2021 997 The evangelical generation that fought the Civil War attached significant meaning to the idea that God involved Himself with the fate of nations and individuals. Despite being relatively neglected by modern scholars, many Americans at the time used t...
A Woman’s Place: Decolonizing Femininity Within American Indian Representations Of Women In Eastern North American Museums 2019 327 Involvement of indigenous communities in the care and curation of their material culture and their stories reflects increased awareness of the shared authority between indigenous peoples and museum professionals in the sharing of their histories with...
The Isolation Factor: Differing Loyalties in the Mountain Counties of Watauga and Buncombe During the Civil War 2010 5034 This work closely examined the Civil War in Watauga County and Buncombe County while comparing their situations to the each other and the rest of Appalachia. After making a geographical profile of Union and Confederate enlistees, it was clear that t...
Propaganda against Propaganda: Deconstructing the Dominant Narrative of the Committee on Public Information 2014 14658 Of the various interpretations of the World War I-era Committee on Public Information (CPI), one has emerged as the dominant narrative. This narrative utilizes common propaganda techniques and factual errors to present the CPI as a case study in the...
The Vietnam War In The American Zeitgeist: A Study Of The Vietnam War In Film 2022 812 This thesis examines and compares a series of movies and a game set in the Vietnam War as well as the cultural and political context around their release. Through these examinations and comparisons, each chapter attempts to track the position of the ...
Dixie Entrenched: The Transformational Nature Of The First World War On The South 2022 269 The First World War's impact on the American South is often downplayed in favor of changes brought about by the New Deal and the Second World War. This thesis analyzes the changes the war made to the South culturally, socially, and economically and t...