Kearney, Jay


There are 3 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
The Effect Of Selected Fitness Components, Attitudes And Personality Variables On Selection Of Physical Education Activities 1974 449 This study attempted to determine relationships among selected physical fitness components, attitudes toward physical education as an activity course, personality characteristics, and the voluntary selection of required physical activity classes at A...
The Interrelationships Between Predicted And Actual Measures Of Max VO2 And Running Performance 1973 316 This study investigated the interrelationships between predicted Max VO2, actual Max VO2 and various running performances of individuals from three subject groups. More specifically, the study attempted to ascertain within a composite and each of thr...
The Effects Of Wheat Germ Oil On The Precordial T-Wave Of Cross-Country Runners 1973 339 The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a high intensity training program with a dietary supplement on the cardiovascular efficiency of cross-country runners....