Olson, George


There are 8 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
An Evaluation of a School System’s Excursion into Online Instruction for Middle School Students 2011 2968 The purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation of online courses into one school system’s five traditional middle schools using these key questions: What steps were needed to implement an online program in middle school? What implementa...
The Summative Impact of College Access Interventions: A Program Evaluation of Gear Up North Carolina 2013 3716 This study evaluated the summative impact of interventions in a statewide Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) grant. This United States Department of Education federal grant was funded at $19.2M in 2005 to serve...
Action Research in Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice: A Study of the Evaluation and Reporting of Student Achievement 2015 2982 The theory and practice of evaluating student academic performance has been a source of concern in academia for over a century. The challenge of successfully implementing assessment practices that reflect the true measure of a student’s academic achi...
The Impact Of Academic Self-Efficacy And Socio-Demographic Factors On Academic Achievement Of First-Generation Community College Students 2009 741 Despite a growing body of research on the differences between first-generation and non-first-generation college students, little is known about the relative effect and the impact of academic self-efficacy and socio-demographic factors on academic ach...
PERFORMANCE GRADES AS MEASURES OF ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT 2016 5797 Prior research exposes some long-held concerns about the grades teachers assign and what those grades mean (e.g., Starch, 1913; Steele, 1911). Despite an increased effort to improve assessment at the classroom level (e.g., Popham, 2009; Stiggins, 200...
Value-Added Effects of Disadvantaged Student Supplemental Funding on Students in the Surry County Schools 2010 2386 This study examined the value-added effects of tutoring funded through DSSF on the academic achievement growth of students in the Surry County Schools. Created in response to a judicially mandated attempt to provide equitable instruction to all stude...
The Effects of Flipping an Undergraduate Precalculus Class 2014 6602 The flipped classroom model of instruction has become an alternative to traditional, lecture-based instruction. This study examined the effects of flipping an undergraduate precalculus class in a small, private, Christian college in the southeastern ...
Searching For Predictors Of Success In Community College Online Courses 2016 2215 The continuous growth of online learning in higher education has created a demand for more sections of more course offerings than ever before, particularly true in the community college system. Online courses can meet the needs of students who are un...