Walker, Gary


There are 10 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Maintaining the Integrity of the Low-Elevation Granitic-Dome Communities of Carl Sandburg National Historic Site 2010 2616 A vegetational survey was conducted for the granitic rock-outcrop communities at Carl Sandburg National Historic Site (CARL). Low-elevation granitic domes within the boundaries of CARL have been recognized as a critical resource within the Park (Har...
Species-Area Relationships of Cliff System Vegetational Communities in Cumberland Gap National Historical Park 2013 2702 A vegetational survey of vascular plants, bryophytes, and lichens was conducted on eleven discrete cliff systems in Cumberland Gap National Historical Park (CUGA) during the summer of 2011 and 2012. A total of 231 species were collected and identifie...
Nitrogen Availability and Vegetational Community Structure on a Cliff System in the Southern Appalachians 2015 1023 While research in almost every ecosystem confirms the importance of nutrient cycling to community dynamics, it has been an under-investigated aspect of cliff ecology. This study explores the influence that nitrogen availability and other abiotic var...
The Population Genetic Structure Of The Showy Lady's-Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium Reginae Walter) In Its Glaciated And Unglaciated Ranges 2003 956 Cypripedium reginae is a terrestrial orchid with a boreal-temperate main range and a glacial-disjunct southern range primarily in the southern Appalachian Mountains. During the summer of 2001, tissue for allozyme and RAPD analysis was collected from ...
Physical Variables And Community Structure Of The White Rocks Cliff System, Cumberland Gap National Historic Park 2007 289 Cliff-face ecology is the study of the patterns and processes which control cliff-face ecosystems (Larson et al. 2000). It is important to study cliff systems due to their cultural and biological significance. Cliff systems have been employed for she...
The Population Biology Of PELLAEA WRIGHTIANA Hooker, A Fern Disjunct In North Carolina 1996 360 Pellaea wrightiana Hooker is a homosporous fern with a main range throughout most of the southwestern United States. In 1956, a small population of Pellaea wrightiana was discovered in Alexander County, North Carolina. In 1974, a second population wa...
A Preliminary Study Of Population Structure Of SIBBALDIOPSIS TRIDENTATA (AIT.) RYDG. (ROSACEAE) In The Eastern United States Using AFLP Markers 2008 279 High-elevation habitats in the Appalachian Mountains of the United States have been shown to harbor many northern disjunct species. Prevailing theory is that populations in these habitats typically represent remnant-isolate populations from previousl...
Characterization Of Plant Community Structure And Abiotic Conditions On Climbed And Unclimbed Cliff Faces In The Obed River Gorge 2009 331 The Obed River Gorge in Tennessee boasts one of the richest floras in the southeastern United States and is also a popular rock climbing destination. Many rare or endemic species have been found on cliff faces around the world, but the majority of th...
Comparison Of The Cultural, Taxonomic And Ecological Aspects Of Medicinal Plants In Cameroon And North Carolina: Causes Of Rarity And Potential Solutions 1999 171 In this study, the cultural, taxonomic and ecological character and utility of phytomedicine in Cameroon and North Carolina were compared....
A Vegetational Characterization Of Cliff Faces In The Linville Gorge Wilderness Area 1998 335 Throughout North America few ecosystems have escaped disturbance associated with the rapid expansion of humans. Cliff-face ecosystems are largely undisturbed and some represent ancient pre-settlement forests. However, even these habitats are now bein...