Martz, Denise


There are 15 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Clothing Size Dissatisfaction: A Stronger Predictor of Size-related Avoidance than Body Mass Index 2011 3279 Participants in the current study (N = 2,997) were age and race-representative U.S. adults perceiving themselves as larger in body size than their ideal. Participants completed an internet survey inquiring about size and size-related avoidance behavi...
Organ Donation Decision Making Among Non-Catholic Christians: An Expansion of the Theory of Planned Behavior 2013 3588 According to the United Network for Organ Sharing (2012), 112,264 people are on the waiting list for an organ transplant in the United States. The gap between patients and donors continues to expand. There is a need for research and intervention aime...
“S/he’s Got it Goin’ On”: Exploring Ethnic Differences in Body Talk 2013 2096 Current body image literature is indicative of contradictory findings for women and men of varying ethnicities (e.g., research suggests that Black women possess higher body esteem, yet other evidence refutes this finding). The term fat talk is used t...
Bullying Victimization As A Predictor Of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Abuse In A Nationally Representative Sample Of Adolescent Males 2018 1189 Due to their potential for negative physical, psychological, and social effects, both anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) misuse and bullying victimization are significant public health concerns confronting U.S. adolescent males. Previous research exam...
Everyone Else Is Doing It (I Think): The Power Of Perception And Society In Fat Talk 2016 869 Fat talk (FT) involves critiquing one’s own appearance in social conversations and has been associated with negative outcomes such as higher body dissatisfaction, increased depression, and a greater perceived sociocultural pressure to be thin. Althou...
Fat Talk And Romantic Relationships: Does Fat Talk Affect Relationship Satisfaction And Sexual Satisfaction? 2019 933 Using vignettes about a fictional couple, the present study examined how varied levels of the woman’s fat talk were perceived to affect the couple’s relationship and sexual satisfaction. Participants were recruited from Amazon Mechanical Turk and inc...
Her Own Worst Enemy: The Relationship Among Fat Talk, Weight Teasing, And Disordered Eating Behavior 2019 583 Weight teasing is defined as negative remarks regarding one’s weight, such as joking or name calling. Fat talk is defined as patterns of discussion, often occurring among female friend groups that degrade the body weight or shape of oneself. Previous...
What Did She Just Say?: Development Of Vignettes That Effectively Manipulate Women's Fat Talk In The Context Of Heterosexual Relationships 2018 793 “Fat talk” is defined as a negative critique of one’s physical appearance with friends and family. There is limited research on fat talk in the context of romantic relationships; only two studies have examined men’s perceptions of women engaging in f...
How Skin Color Discrepancy In Women Of Color Relates To Perceived Racism, Colorism, And Skin Bleaching Frequency 2023 733 Women of color in the United States are impacted by both racism and colorism, forces that sometimes translate into dissatisfaction with their skin tone and the dangerous practice of skin bleaching. This study developed a measure of skin color dissati...
Understanding Gender Patterns: Early Stage Development of a Gender Neutral Body Talk Scale 2012 1564 Fat talk is defined as the negative body talk that occurs in social contexts. Previous literature suggests that fat talk is more of a feminine rather than masculine conversational tendency, yet the measures that have detected such gender differences ...
Exploring Gender and Weight Loss Motivators 2014 2156 Although the obesity epidemic has impacted men and women equally, only 25% of men attempt to lose weight, compared to 40% of women. Since motivation likely plays a role in weight loss attempts and degree of success, this research explores gender and ...
Juror Perceptions Of Victim Credibility In Cases Of Intimate Partner Rape: An Evaluation Of Victim Depression And Victim Body Weight 2021 582 The current study evaluated the influence of depression and weight gain resulting from intimate partner rape (IPR) on jurors’ decisions regarding a defendant’s guilt and a complainant’s credibility. Past research indicates that women find more guilty...
Interpersonal Violence And Rural Adolescents’ Body Image Perceptions, Eating Disordered Behaviors, And Body Mass Indices 2016 1128 This epidemiological study examined how interpersonal violence (IPV) relates to poor body image, eating disorder behavior, and body weight in adolescents from rural Appalachia in Western North Carolina using the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Surve...
National Study Of The Association Between Interpersonal Violence In Dating Relationships And Unhealthy Weight Control Behaviors In Male And Female Adolescents 2017 2697 In the US, 25% of adolescents reported physical or sexual abuse from an intimate partner (i.e., interpersonal violence [IPV]) and are at increased risk for having unhealthy weight control behaviors (UWCBs). For example, 2.7% of adolescents have been ...
Polyvictimization Of Interpersonal Violence And Mental Health In College Women 2020 425 Research has established connections between interpersonal violence (IPV) and psychological disorders. The present study assessed the relationships between polyvictimization (PV) – multiple forms of IPV – and mental health in female college students ...