Meade, Christopher


There are 4 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Finding Historical Truth: How Literature Interrupts National Narratives And Exposes Delusional Thinking 2021 379 In the short story “Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius”, by Jorge Luis Borges, the main character is introduced to an old encyclopedia edition that contains an almost limitless amount of information about a different world and planet named Tlön. This encyclo...
Geopolitics And The Multigenerational Narratives Of Gabriel Garcia Marquez And Jhumpa Lahiri 2018 674 Authors Jhumpa Lahiri in The Namesake and Gabriel García Márquez in One Hundred Years of Solitude explore multigenerational families and geopolitical influences in their respective novels. Their narratives revolve around the lives of a central family...
“no key to the tangle”: History And Poetic Consciousness In Louis Zukofsky’s “A” 2019 895 This thesis explores the question of poetry’s relationship with history. My inquiry is centered on the epic poem “A” (1974) by American author Louis Zukofsky, considering the ways in which Zukofsky reconceptualizes the role that the past plays in the...
We're All Cyborgs: Science Fiction And Informatics—A Reflection Of Cultural Capitalism 2022 1061 This thesis discusses how capitalism is reflected through science fiction novels. It begins with a historical triangulation of the science fiction genre and how, through the development of the New Wave movement, changes occurred in the genre that pla...