McKinney, Cathy


There are 23 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Music Therapy for Young Adolescents Who Have Experienced the Death of a Loved One 2011 5491 The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of a music therapy based support group on depressive and grief symptoms in young adolescents who have experienced the death of a loved one. Participants were 3 middle school students, ages 11-12. ...
The Use of Dreamwork with the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music: A Survey of Current Practice 2012 4603 The purpose of this study was to examine current uses of dreamwork with the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) and to explore clinical examples of using dreams in GIM sessions. Respondents who valued their dreams were more likely to use d...
Current Use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Music Therapy: A Survey and Case Study 2012 5883 The researcher investigated the use of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) in music therapy with individuals with developmental disabilities. Respondents (N = 42) were members of the American Music Therapy Association who indicated worki...
A Phenomenological Inquiry Into Systemic Music Therapy to Accompany the Grief Journey of a Boy With High Functioning Autism 2013 2636 The purpose of this study is to describe one 9-year old boy with high functioning autism’s experience, sense of meaning, and process in music therapy from a systemic theoretical perspective in his grief process. His psychologist referred Colt (pseudo...
Breaking The Silence: A Qualitative Study on the Use of Guided Imagery and Music, Expressive Arts, and a Body-Centered Perspective to Address Women’s Issues 2014 2829 Issues related to the body-mind connection are endemic in our society. Due to gender-specific factors, women can be at a greater risk for disorders or characteristics that result from an unhealthy relationship to the body. The Bonny Method of Guide...
The Use of Music Therapy Informed by Motivational Interviewing With College Student Drinkers to Invite “Change Talk” 2010 4726 The effect of a single music therapy session informed by motivational interviewing on an individual’s readiness to change risky drinking behavior was investigated in 16 undergraduate college students, ages 18-24. Participants completed the Stages of ...
Music Therapy in the Bereavement of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Feasibility Study 2010 7306 This study explored the effect of music therapy on the issues associated with the bereavement in 3 adults with intellectual disability (ID). Adapted from the work of Hilliard (2007), it employed a 9-week group music therapy protocol designed to educa...
Group Music Therapy versus Individual Verbal Therapy for Mandated College Students 2014 1857 College drinking has many implications for not only the student engaging in the drinking, but also for the college and public community as a whole. The purpose of this study was to examine two interventions conducted with students who had violated a ...
The Effects of Musical Tempo and Dynamic Range on Heart Rate Variability in Healthy Adults: A Counterbalanced, Within-Subjects Study 2015 11278 Music therapists often use music to facilitate changes in physiological functioning. In order to better inform the selection and creation of such music, this study explored the influence of tempo and dynamic range on heart rate variability. Two guita...
Supplemental File: Audio example 60 BPM 2015 570 Supplemental file: audio example 60 BPM...
The Use of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) in Music Therapy: A Survey of Current Practice 2013 9464 This study used a mixed methods design to survey the current use of DBT in music therapy practice in mental health settings. Respondents (N = 48) were members of the American Music Therapy Association who indicated working in mental health settings. ...
A Search for Wholeness: Songs of Healing for Adolescents with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 2010 5632 The purpose of this Creative Project is to provide the clinician with a resource of songs specifically related to common issues that adolescents face, particularly those adolescents with emotional and/or behavioral disorders. Issues addressed throu...
Wilderness Imagery in the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM): A Phenomenological Perspective 2014 2087 The author employed phenomenological methodology to examine clients’ experiences of wilderness imagery in music psychotherapy sessions utilizing the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM). GIM is a music-centered approach to psychotherapy in ...
The Practice Of Teaching Therapeutic Songwriting: A Survey Of Educators And Internship Directors 2016 1789 The purpose of this study was to determine how therapeutic songwriting is currently being taught within American Music Therapy Association-approved music therapy programs and national roster internship sites. An online questionnaire was distributed t...
Creating New Music Therapy Programs In Medical Settings: A Phenomenological Inquiry 2019 4263 This phenomenological study explored the process of starting a medical music therapy program at facilities that did not previously have one. The unique experiences of five music therapists who started new medical music therapy programs were explored ...
The Use Of Creative Arts In Music Therapy Supervision: A Sequential-Explanatory Mixed Methods Study 2019 1321 This study examined how music therapists use the creative arts in music therapy supervision when supervising music therapy students, interns, and professionals and/or other creative arts therapy professionals. The researcher utilized a sequential exp...
Music Therapy For Infants With Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome In The NICU: A Qualitative Content Analysis 2019 1823 This study sought to describe how music therapists provide care for patients with neonatal abstinence syndrome and their caregivers. A small group of music therapists who worked with infants in neonatal intensive care units (NICU) were contacted via ...
Music Therapy For Patients Who Are Mechanically Ventilated: A Phenomenological Study 2022 912 The purpose of this study was to describe how music therapists provide care for adult patients in the intensive care unit on mechanical ventilation. A short electronic survey was sent to board-certified music therapists to gather data on those workin...
The Bonny Method Of Guided Imagery And Music (GIM) And Eating Disorders: Learning From Therapist, Trainer, And Client Experiences 2017 5321 The purpose of this study was to explore the use of The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) in the treatment of individuals with eating disorders. There has been a recent growth in the literature describing the use of GIM with individuals ...
Music Therapy And Expressive Arts To Promote Self-Awareness And Self-Care In Direct Care Staff: A Phenomenological Inquiry 2018 1399 Direct care staff members who work with adults who have intellectual and developmental disabilities face a variety of work stressors. Through semi-structured interviews, the purpose of this study was to share the experiences of direct staff members w...
Supplemental File: Audio example 90 BPM 2015 452 Supplemental File: Audio example 90 BPM...
Supplemental File: Compressed Audio 2015 533 Supplemental File: Compressed Audio...
Supplemental File: Uncompressed Audio 2015 482 Supplemental File: Uncompressed Audio...