Utter, Alan


There are 2 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Validity of Ultrasound Velocity to detect changes in the hydration status of Male and Female Athletes during Acute Dehydration and Rehydration 2015 2048 Recent work by Utter, Mcanulty, Sarvazyan, Query, & Landram, (2010) determined that UV could be used to measure changes in the hydration status of male collegiate wrestlers undergoing acute dehydration. However there was a large amount of individual ...
Dehydration and Acute Weight Gain in Mixed Martial Arts Fighters Prior to Competition 2012 8774 The purpose of the investigation was to characterize the magnitude of dehydration and rapid weight gain (RWG) in mixed martial arts (MMA) fighters prior competition. Hydration status and body mass were determined ~24 h prior and the again ~ 2 h prior...