Patterns of recruitment and young culm morphology in Arundinaria gigantea ([Walt.] Muhl.) canebrakes in western North Carolina
- WCU Author/Contributor (non-WCU co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
- Keith Michael Hoffman (Creator)
- Institution
- Western Carolina University (WCU )
- Web Site:
- Advisor
- Laura DeWald
Abstract: River cane is one of three bamboos native to the United States. This species was
once ubiquitous across the southeastern US but has now been reduced to less than two
percent of its original coverage. This study is among research efforts to improve our
knowledge to help restore a native species, protect riparian habitats, and improve
materials needed for traditional Cherokee artisan crafts. The purpose of the project was to
describe recruitment patterns within canebrakes, and to determine if these patterns were
related to subsequent recruited culm morphology. Four canebrakes in western North
Carolina were intensively sampled by establishing 1 m2 plots every 3 m2 across the
entirety of each canebrake. All culms were counted within each plot and were categorized
as young (recruited within 3 years) or old. Culm diameter, branch free height, and total
height were measured for all young culms. Results showed young culms with larger
diameters had greater branch free height and were taller, particularly after the first 3 m
into a canebrake. This may be due to larger new rhizomes branching from older
rhizomes, with the new rhizomes supporting new larger culms that can compete with pre7
existing culms for light. However, culm diameter, branch free height, and total height
measures decreased in size in areas where there were greater than eight young culms/m2,
likely due to resource allocation trade-offs where greater recruitment occurred at the
expense of culm size. The density of old and young culms had a patchy distribution
within the canebrakes. This variation could be explained by clonal integration, which
allows river cane culms in areas of high resources to continue to spread and support
culms in resource poor areas. My results suggest creating thinned “gaps” in the interior of
existing canebrakes could lead to production of larger sized culms if competition for
resources is reduced and the older rhizomes support larger new rhizomes and greater
competitive regeneration. Additionally, if canebrakes are allowed to expand in area so
that greater interior area is created, overtime larger culms should be produced due to
continual competition within the canebrake.
Patterns of recruitment and young culm morphology in Arundinaria gigantea ([Walt.] Muhl.) canebrakes in western North Carolina
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Created on 11/1/2010
Views: 2131
Additional Information
- Publication
- Thesis
- Language: English
- Date: 2010
- Keywords
- Arundinaria gigantea, bamboo, culm morphology, density patterns, regeneration patterns, river cane
- Subjects
- Arundinaria -- Regeneration -- North Carolina, Western
- Arundinaria -- North Carolina, Western -- Morphology