The impact of COVID-19 on one rural middle school band in North Carolina

UNCG Author/Contributor (non-UNCG co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Zachary D. Wills (Creator)
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG )
Web Site:
Tami Draves

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of one rural middle school band program in North Carolina during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research questions for this study were: (a) How do rural middle school band program stakeholders in North Carolina describe challenges in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic? (b) How do rural middle school band program stakeholders in North Carolina describe benefits in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic? Semi-structured interviews, documentation and archival data, and researcher field notes were utilized as data. Triangulation ensured credibility between and among data types. Data were viewed and presented through a pragmatic lens. Emergent themes included Adapting Instructional Approaches, Allocating Resources, and Social-Emotional (SE) and Mental Health (MH) Responses. Results were consistent with previous research related to pre-COVID norms in rural areas such as funding, recruiting/retention, transportation, SE and MH responses, and rurality in general. Recommendations for practice included using the case school band program processes during Emergency Virtual Instruction and Plan B periods as best practice. SE and MH resources are needed in rural middle school band programs in NC. Recommendations for future research included SE and MH research, virtual instruction best practice, and multiple case study and phenomenological inquiry of rural middle school bands in NC as related to COVID-19. Keywords: Rural, COVID-19, North Carolina, case study, emergency virtual instruction, social emotional, mental health, middle school band

Additional Information

Language: English
Date: 2024
Rural, COVID-19, North Carolina, Case study, Emergency virtual instruction, Social emotional, Mental health, Middle school band
COVID-19 (Disease)
Bands (Music) $z North Carolina
Middle schools $z North Carolina
Rural schools $z North Carolina

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