Club Safety Plan

NCCU Author/Contributor (non-NCCU co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Ed Rehkopf, Donor to Hospitality and Tourism Administration (Creator)
North Carolina Central University (NCCU )
Web Site:

Abstract: Occupational health and safety issues are important in any workplace. Lack of planning and neglect of safety concerns can result in serious injury, incapacitation, and death. Unfortunately, in our industry, lack of resources and limited management staffing makes implementing a comprehensive and detailed Safety Plan a challenging endeavor.The material in this handbook is based upon OSHA requirements, guidelines, and recommendations for workplace safety. It is detailed and complex. Individual clubs should carefully analyze their situation and requirements in designing their own safety plan. As with any large, complex issue, it may be best addressed by modifying scope and detail for your operation or by incremental implementation with priority given to those areas where the club and its members, guests, and employees may be at greatest risk.

Additional Information

Language: English
Date: 2019
safety, plan, operating, performance, club, club operations

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