Knowledge development in MNC subsidiaries: The influence of MNC internal and external knowledge and control mechanisms

UNCG Author/Contributor (non-UNCG co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Riikka M. Sarala, Virginia Batte Phillips Distinguished Professor of International Business (Creator)
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG )
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Abstract: In this study, we examine the influence of control mechanisms and internal and external knowledge on multinational company (MNC) subsidiary knowledge development. Previous research stresses the importance of these factors for subsidiary behavior, but nonetheless they remain underexplored in the context of subsidiary knowledge development. The study is based on questionnaire data from 161 MNC subsidiaries in China and Finland. The results indicate that MNC internal and external knowledge, as well as decision-making autonomy of MNC subsidiaries, positively influence knowledge development in MNC subsidiaries. Conversely, the importance of knowledge development as a performance evaluation criterion did not show any influence on MNC subsidiary knowledge development.

Additional Information

Thunderbird International Business Review, 50(4): 245-258
Language: English
Date: 2008
multinational company (MNC), knowledge development, foreign subsidiaries, subsidiary behavior, subsidiary knowledge

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