A POPULATION OF BOG TURTLES IN THE PIEDMONT OF NORTH CAROLINA: Habitat Preferences, Capture Method Efficacy, Conservation Initiatives, and Site Enhancement.
- UNCG Author/Contributor (non-UNCG co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
- Ann B. Somers, Lecturer (Creator)
- Institution
- The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG )
- Web Site: http://library.uncg.edu/
Abstract: In 1993, bog turtles, Clemmys muhlenbergii (Schoepff), were found in a wet meadow in the piedmont of North Carolina. Although the site
appeared degraded and grazing pressure was heavy, there seemed to be enough remaining habitat to support a healthy population of bog turtles.
Interest grew in the site and soon a bog turtle habitat restoration effort was being discussed. Funds to initiate the project were provided by the
Partners for Wildlife program of the US Fish and Wildlife Service( USFWS). A review of work performed in the southeast revealed very
little data available on restoring, enhancing or managing such sites. Due to a paucity of guidelines for management of these rare wetlands, the goodwill of the landowners, enthusiasm of local conservationists, and the dedicated members of Project Bog Turtle — the scope of the original project expanded. The project now focuses on conducting basic research that will ultimately lead to the development of management guidelines for such sites. As a number of state, federal, and private agencies are starting to promote restoration, the urgent need for such information is very apparent. Studies that have been generated from this project address such interests as restoration hydrology, woody vegetation management, the role of grazing
herbivores in habitat management, and other concerns. Another outgrowth of the project has been a cooperative agreement aimed at preserving these valuable wetlands. A Memorandum of
Understanding has been developed to formalize this partnership between the following: NC Chapter Soil and Water Conservation Society, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Wetland Science Institute and Watershed Science Institute, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Sierra Club, The Nature Conservancy, NC Natural Heritage Program, Piedmont Land Conservancy, Foothills Nature Science Society, Project Bog Turtle, and
A POPULATION OF BOG TURTLES IN THE PIEDMONT OF NORTH CAROLINA: Habitat Preferences, Capture Method Efficacy, Conservation Initiatives, and Site Enhancement.
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Created on 1/1/2000
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Additional Information
- Publication
- Natural Resources Conservation Service Wetlands Institute
- Language: English
- Date: 2000
- Keywords
- Bog turtles Clemmys muhlenbergii (Schoepff), North Carolina, Habitat restoration, Project Bog Turtle