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There are 11 record/s using the keyword/s: speech-language pathology .

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
The Acquisition Of Static And Dynamic Intervention Skills By Graduate Speech-Language Pathol...2024Wolford, CCC-SLP, George FacultyRehabilitation Sciences, ASU
A Brief Sociocultural And Historical Analysis Of African American English2021Silver, Zykkiah Monique ReneeStudentRehabilitation Sciences - Student, ASU
Clinician Survey of the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment for Voice and Speech Disorders Resulti...2015Vickrey, Lauren KStudentCommunication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG
Cognitive Intervention For Individuals With Probable MCI: A Pilot Study2018Elliott, Madelyn LeighStudentRehabilitation Sciences - Student, ASU
Effect of Spanish-language training module on technical vocabulary acquisition2015Wofford, Mary ClaireStudentCommunication Sciences and Disorders, WCU
"Getting Back Into School Mode": Experiences Of Former Speech-Language Pathology Assistants ...2022Wolford, CCC-SLP, George FacultyRehabilitation Sciences, ASU
Pedagogues’ perceived barriers and facilitators to resolution of vocal health problems in co...2018Wolber Scheuring, Emily StudentSchool of Music, UNCG
Perspective: A minority within a minority.2012Mayo, Robert FacultyCommunication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG
"Shouldn’t You Be Collaborative By Now?”: Supervisory Needs, Expectations, And Satisfaction ...2020Wolford, CCC-SLP, George FacultyRehabilitation Sciences, ASU
Traumatic Brain Injury Training For Compensated Caregivers: Experiences In North Carolina2017Fender, Emily StudentRehabilitation Sciences - Student, ASU
What Is Clinical Evidence In Speech-Language Pathology? A Scoping Review2022Wolford, CCC-SLP, George FacultyRehabilitation Sciences, ASU