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There are 57 record/s using the keyword/s: early childhood.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Assessing the links among maternal nonstandard work schedules, early learning environments, ...2012Smith, Nina P.StudentHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Autonomic nervous system functioning in early childhood: responses to laboratory challenges,...2018Zeytinoglu, Selin StudentHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Biopsychosocial analysis of task engagement among preschool-age children2015Halliday, Simone E.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Chaos, Poverty, and Parenting: Predictors of Early Language Development2012Mills-Koonce, Roger FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies , UNCG
Child Care and Cortisol Across Early Childhood: Context Matters2014Mills-Koonce, Roger FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies , UNCG
Child Care Work Environments: the Relationship with Learning Environments2007Cassidy, Deborah J.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Co-resident grandparents and children’s early cognitive development2015Vadehra, Pooja StudentHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
A culturally sensitive conceptualization of parental intrusiveness and its effects on child ...2020Benito-Gomez, Marta StudentHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
The development of executive function in early childhood2003Boseovski, Janet J.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
The development of executive function in early childhood2003Marcovitch, Stuart FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Education Level and Stability As It Relates to Early Childhood Classroom Quality: A Survey o...2008Scott-Little, Catherine FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Education Level and Stability As It Relates to Early Childhood Classroom Quality: A Survey o...2008Hestenes, Linda L.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Education Level and Stability As It Relates to Early Childhood Classroom Quality: A Survey o...2008Mims, Sharon U.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Education Level and Stability As It Relates to Early Childhood Classroom Quality: A Survey o...2008Cassidy, Deborah J.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Exploring the relationship between teacher education experience and the child-focused practi...2011Wenner, Ellen J.StudentSpecialized Education Services, UNCG
An investigation into the relationship between mother-child co-regulation patterns and self-...2021Bayer, Savannah StudentHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Measurement of quality in preschool child care classrooms: An exploratory and confirmatory f...2005Hestenes, Linda L.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Measurement of quality in preschool child care classrooms: An exploratory and confirmatory f...2005Mims, Sharon U.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Measurement of quality in preschool child care classrooms: An exploratory and confirmatory f...2005Hestenes, Stephen FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Measurement of quality in preschool child care classrooms: An exploratory and confirmatory f...2005Cassidy, Deborah J.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Measuring preschool learning engagement in the laboratory2018Leerkes, Esther M.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Measuring preschool learning engagement in the laboratory2018Calkins, Susan D.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
A Microanalysis of Teachers' Verbalizations in Inclusive Classrooms2004Hestenes, Linda L.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
A Microanalysis of Teachers' Verbalizations in Inclusive Classrooms2004Cassidy, Deborah J.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG