Browse by Keywords - C

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There are 108 record/s using the keyword/s: community .

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Alternative communities in Caribbean literature2011Meriwether, Raffaella A.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Behind the stripes: female football officials' experiences2016Warner, Stacy StudentECU
Behind the stripes: female football officials' experiences2016Nordstrom, Heidi StudentECU
Behind the stripes: female football officials' experiences2016Barnes, John C.StudentECU
Behind the stripes: female football officials’ experiences2016Warner, Stacy StudentECU
Behind the stripes: female football officials’ experiences2016Barnes, John C.StudentECU
Behind the stripes: female football officials’ experiences2016Nordstrom, Heidi StudentECU
Big League Social Media: Cultivating Community Online2018Weingartz, Ashley StudentECU
Black American Spirit: Ridge Spring, South Carolina2019Irving, Juliet StudentTheatre and Dance - Student, ASU
Breakaway: an exhibition to explore civic engagement and the cycling community2009McKinney, Gwen M.StudentInterior Architecture, UNCG
Building Community on Campus: Student Affairs Professionals as Group Workers1998Taub, Deborah J.FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Building Positive Social Networks Through Environmental Interventions in Integrated Recreati...1990Schleien, Stuart J.FacultyCommunity and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG
A Case Study Of A Community College’s Basic Firefighter Program And Its Capacity To Meet Reg...2019Smith, Joshua JamesStudentEducation - Student, ASU
Coexisting leadership? the emergence of communal leadership amidst hierarchy2013Madrigal, Kimberly B.StudentEducational Studies, UNCG
Collaboration in Communities of Difference2010Tarrant, Seaton PatrickStudentAppalachian Studies - Student, ASU
Community connections, community collections: Building partner support for collaborative dig...2016Gwynn, David FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Community Dialogues to Enhance Inclusion and Equity in Public Libraries2021Gypin, Lindsay FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Community for all: The therapeutic recreation practitioner’s role in inclusive volunteering...2005Schleien, Stuart J.FacultyCommunity and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG
Community for all: The therapeutic recreation practitioner’s role in inclusive volunteering...2005Miller, Kimberly FacultyCommunity and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG
Community members’ narratives in collective impact models2021Gorton, Brigid Belko StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Community of Scholars: An Exploratory Study of Management Laureates2002Ford, Eric W.FacultyBusiness Administration, UNCG
A Community Program For Chronic Schizophrenics: A Look At Outcome Effectiveness1982Gay, Jean MurrayStudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Community, family and leisure immersion2016Harmon, Justin FacultyCommunity and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG
Conference record of people, place, and progress: extended recovery on the coastal plain2001King, Lauriston R.StudentECU
Connecting It All: Creating Community in Sport and Entertainment2016Dixon, Marlene StudentECU